New Hampshire has several "help you buy a house" programs. Ranging from neighborhood housing to NH Housing and redevelopment. Well I called Neighborhood housing yesterday to see what they were all about and how they could help me. During the conversation I told her about my "mean dentist collection", she said write a 100 word statement "ITS FREE" and have it added to your credit file. I told her "no one looks at that, and even if they do why would a creditor believe me over another creditor?" She had no answer. She then began to explain their program, which requires you to go to an all day seminar and she said QUOTE "The best part about our seminar is we give you a free copy of your credit report", I said "that's fine and dandy, but I don't want a hard inquiry for no reason, I have access to my report and I pull it daily". SIT DOWN CREDITNETTERS HERE"S HER RESPONSE!! "Ohhhh geez, you might want to call the CRA's about that, everytime an inquiry is done on your credit file it lowers your score." I began to explain how it is against the FCRA for a CRA to allow a consumer report being pulled to negatively affect the consumer. She immediately objected and said "I think I know what I'm talking about". I said "you may THINK you know what you are talking about, but I am positive I know what I am talking about." I told her I would let her pull my report the day of the seminar and that I would bring my report. I guaranteed her that she would see 1-6 hard inquiries between the 3 CRA's, yet I would have at least 180 inquiries from me pulling. I told her at 3 points per inquiry (average) my score would be 540 points lower if my inquiries hurt me. She laughed and said "Prepare to be wrong!" She is a mortgage broker COME ON!!! BTW the same thing happened back in March when I spoke to another mortgage broker. Can't teach an old dog new tricks!
I was fortunate that my broker was pretty savvy. In fact, his wife (pretty darn savvy too) got 2 deletions for me. They would have been pretty easy to get off, but I had left them for last because they were effecting me the least. They were from 12/95 and one was a duplicate. Still it was nice not having to explain credit repair to them =) Gib
When I tried to get a RE-FI...the MORTGAGE guy was trying to tell me that I shouldn't be "PULLING" during will hurt my score... CLUELESS WONDER----->"SORRY, IT IS ILLEGAL TO HAVE AN INQUIRY THAT HURTS~~~"HARD" WHEN I PULL MY OWN REPORT...I AM NOT APPLYING FOR ANY CREDIT"
I called to activate my daughter's AT&T wireless phone and was told I'd have to have a $200 deposit. I wanted to know why, since my reports are completly clean. After talking to an oaf, I asked for a supervisor, who told me I have too many inquiries, and they don't go by the"FICA" score( I spelled it out to her after she said FICA 3 times) but by their own internal score. So we go on and on and it gets to the point where I ask her if she knows the difference between a hard and a soft inquiry, at which point she stammers, aus and oohs, says "no" and hangs up. I L M A O, but I still have to pay the $200. (It's what the princess wants!) Anna
Please see 'rants' section labeled : CUSTOMER SERVICE on this website: It's geared 100% towards finance industry people who are hired via Cracker Jack boxes, wait, no, thats not right, thats where they get their licenses!!! Sorry you had to deal with such a moron! Best of luck with your house!