Equifax limiting CW report pulls?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cma, Sep 5, 2002.

  1. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    I just tried accessing my EQ report for the second time today and received:

    Thank you for your interest! Our records show that you have already ordered this product. Please return to the MyEquifax section to access the products and services you've ordered.

    I tried several times. Up till now I've been able to pull as many as 4 times a day, with an average of 2 per day the last 3 weeks. Does anyone know if they are limiting daily pulls now?
  2. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    when you say pull 4 reports a day are you actually ordering a new report everytime for that day?
  3. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    I don't think so, It is not like experian which is real time.
  4. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Yes. I accessed a new report 4 times a day on about 3 days this last week due to some disputes and issues I was working with Equifax on. During this time my score jumped from 616 to 703, and several TL were taken off. In addition, I had applied for 4 new lines of credit, so I was watching very closely to see how and if my score was impacted each time I applied and corrections were made.

    Before then, I was getting a new report on avg of 2 times a day since 8/13.
  5. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member


    Anyway, are you sure you went and actually viewed both your report and score? If you don't, then you can't get another. Also, I have found (I think) that the first report you pull will indeed get updated throughout the day, but the score doesn't appear to change once given.

    On my wife's free trial, we couldn't get a new score unless it had changed, but would only get a new report. This seems to have been changed back though, with the website upgrade. (They probably got too many complaints like George's :eek:)
  6. martig4

    martig4 Well-Known Member

    I am having the same problem on CW.

    They must have made a software update, even the screens look a bit different.

    Back to one pull a day it appears....
  7. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Oh goodness, I see now. I think I'll have to call and cancel my subscription...

    I have a new inquiry as of 9/5, but since I ordered a report late on 9/4 I can't go and look at it. How does that make any sense?!

    Oh, BTW, I am wrong about the report. It is indeed a snapshot of the time you pulled it, at least for me yesterday it was...
  8. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    So their advertise about unlimited reports is false again. We don't get unlimited number of reports !!!
  9. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Re: Equifax limiting CW report pull

    Yes, they're back to one pull a day. No longer "unlimited".

  10. voodochild

    voodochild Well-Known Member

    Re: Equifax limiting CW report pull

    I am wondering how they can do this to me. By looking at the amount of times I have pulled my own report, they can can obviously see I have an addictive personality. I guess I have to find another vice. But I say.

    They have taken away my mutiple equifax credit report pull ability.

    But, they can't take away my DIET PEPSI!
  11. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    I'll agree with GEORGE. I'm positive I viewed the score and report. The link changes from "Credit Report With Optional Score" to just "Credit Report with Score". I did it again just to be sure.

    My report has never updated once pulled. To view the updates, I have to pull a new report.
  12. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    I havent pulled my report since yesterday and it wont let me get a new one ,this is bull----
  13. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    I just called and now they say only one pull every 24 hrs, LIKE GEORGE SAYS UNLIMITED MEANS UNLIMITED
  14. eyeballs4u

    eyeballs4u Member

    I actually had the nerve to call Equifax and questioned why I was not able to get access. She told me that as far as she has always known, Equifax only lets you pull every 24 hours. I then asked her why they falsely advertised "unlimited access" when they meant 24 hours. She said, "just a minute while I check the website." It is on there somewhere. I then told her, "No, ma'am, it isn't." I then read the word-for-word "unlimited access" statement and inquired whether unlimited was now changed to 24 hours. She told me my report was viewable now....... From the conversation, it seemed as though there was a block that could be lifted once you press the reps and have their tongues tied. DAMN I'M GOOD
  15. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    I just called Equifax to have some fun. The rep Sara answered. I explained that I am unable to pull unlimited reports and I asked why they advertise it as unlimited. Well, according to Sara it's web site designer fault. She said: "I don't know why they put that word UNLIMITED" ... and bla, bla, bla...I said unlimited is unlimited...she said yes but...no answer...

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