BK finally dropped off my report (10 years old), no other negs... check equifax online and FICO went down 12 points with no other changes! I hate this stuff!!
I understand the hurt behind the point drop. But in a good way, isn't that good news it is gone? Congratulations, I think LOL.....
I know how you feel. Even though mine is not a bankruptcy, I just got my 1st deletion and my score dropped 12 points too! I'm still happy about the deletion though!!
I agree... so many places just automatically deny based on a BK... it's definitely nice to pull up that report and not see that staring me in the face. I'd just been waiting so long for that to go away, anticipating a nice bump in my FICO, that it was really disappointing to see it go down. Oh well... I'll just keep it nice and clean and hopefully over time it will help move that score in the right direction. Thanks for all the encouragement!
When I began "The Process" a year ago, my hubby's Ex score was 767 with 20 derogs, including collections, repo, a judgement ($36,000) and a state tax lein. Now it is clean, and his score is.............drum roll..................535. BUT --- we have several new accounts, and %100 more credit, so it is a GOOD THING! Anna
They weren't HELPING, they were just OLD. We hadn't applied for credit for YEARS. Now all our accounts are NEW, ALL our credit is NEW. Our history is NEW. (Less than a year) Anna
I'm much happier with new good credit and low scores, than with old crappy credit with higher scores. Anna
Do you have a brother, sister, parent you can "AU" a couple of 10-20 year old accounts??? It would not take much more than a few months to help... YOU MUST FIND OUT IF THEY REPORT THE "AU" BEFORE YOU DO IT!!!
If you're asking ME, George, the answer is no. I am too proud to ask ANYONE for ANYTHING. I'll just wait it out. We are fine with what we have gotten in the past year, Actually, we're thrilled. Anna
I wasn't complaining. We are VERY happy with the progress that's been made. I was just putting in my 2 cents. ( Why don't they put a "cents" symbol on the keybaord?) One of life's little mysteries! Anna
There is some "CODE" to make a "cents"...I don't know it... I COPIED MY Copyright © FROM SOME WEB SITE...