I thought I remembered someone saying that when you get a Home Depot card, they give you 10% off your first purchase. We need to make a rather large purchase and saving 10% would be great. But all I see on their site is 0% interest for 6 months on purchases of $299+. Anyone recently apply for and get approved for the card and get the 10% coupon??? Thanks, Ozzy.
10% is (was) through 9/2. You may need to go to the store to get it or verify it's still on. They don't give out the 10% universally ... it's usually with a "preapproved" offer or during a special event. -mj
Thanks so much! I did get a pre-approval about 2 months ago which indicated I'd get the 10% off coupon - but like an idiot, I trashed it. Maybe I'll see what they offer if I apply at the store... thanks again! Ozzy.
Do you have a Lowe's in the area? They have 6 months 0% and I think 10% off the 1st purchase. Charlie
I also got a preapproval with a 10% coupon attatched... I know HD will match Lowe's coupons and I think you can get them in the Change of address kits in the US Post offices.