Newbie Needs Help... please

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vgrandy, Sep 6, 2002.

  1. vgrandy

    vgrandy New Member

    I now have all my credit reports (and its not pretty) and am not sure where to start. I understand the dispute thing but am not sure what to dispute when and how. I am also not clear on when to verify and validate. So here is where I'm at...

    Chp 7 Bk- 1997- states 0$liabilty/assets- ( I've heard some have disputed based on this)

    I have 2 listed as no status- these are things I disputed long ago when I didn't know what I was doing. Are these hurting me?

    2- paid collection accts- should I bother with these since they are pd?
    5- transferred/past due
    2-collections accts (1 will drop off 3/03)
    2- inc in bk- (drop off 1/03 and 11/03)
    1- charge off

    Bk- 1997
    6 collection accts- 1996-2000
    1- incl in bk
    2 pd collection/charge off
    1 charge off
    5 transferred w/ lates

    I have Providian reported twice- once by original creditor(transferred w/lates) and once by 2nd owner (pd collection)

    Bk- 1997
    5 collection 1996-99
    1 write off
    1 pd collection
    3 tranferred
    1 disputed (again from long ago)1996
    1 inc in bk

    So where do I start? Its pretty ugly but I'm hoping I can clean some of it up. Several things will be dropping off in 2003

    Thanks for all the help!

  2. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    First if this is your real first name and that is your last name you use as your screen name, Change that first.

    If not post again
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    My suggestions:

    The ones that are about to fall off in the next few months I would dispute first. They may not even bother to verify them since they are so close to falling off. They may just delete them.
    Start with what's left and dispute the oldest first. The older they are, usually the easier they are to delete.
    Dispute about 4 at a time per credit bureau. If possible, take the ones that are on all 3 reports and dispute them at the same time. It makes it easier to keep track of what you are doing.

    Make sure if mailing the disputes, to send them certified mail, return receipt so you know when they got them and if necessary, you will have proof of mailing.

    My other suggestions are:
    1) read the faq's at the top of the list.
    2) read and understand the Fair credit reporting act
    3) same for the fair debt collection practices act

    Happy disputing!!
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I agree with everything LKH said. I wanted to point out verify and validate.
    Verify is something the CRA's supposedly do when you dispute an item with them. They either verify/change info/delete.
    Validate is something you do to a collection agency, save this for after you've disputed with the CRA's. Be careful of items still within the Statute of Limitations, if you dispute you MAY wake a sleeping giant. Check your states SOL.
  5. vgrandy

    vgrandy New Member

    many thanks...

    going to figure out how to change my name.
  6. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Wish you the very best of luck and there is light at the end of the tunnel. I can personally testify to that.

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