Court today. You MUST read.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ttowns, Sep 6, 2002.

  1. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    You are not going to believe what these numbskulls tried today. They tried to extort me! When I arrived, they were all huddled together like triplets, talking about me and trying to share info. Like that was going to do anything. Here we go(this is the order we went in).

    NCO-had printouts from this board and presented it to the judge! He threw it to the side. She couldn't defend herself and he caught her lying about so much. She FINALLY provided the proof of the debt that I had asked for 6 months for. The judge couldn't see why NCO waited so long to provide something until court. Never mind that I proved their grand negligence. He asked if I wrote it, I admitted I did. However, since he could see that out of more than 150 posts she chose one, he could see what she was trying to do. She tried to get the suit dismissed for wrong venue, and he declined.

    IC System-sent someone that couldn't tell you how to SPELL validation if her life depended on it. The jdge ran all over her and caught HER in many lies, too. He kept giving her chances to get out of it, but she dug her own hole-DEEP. She lied about things that I provided irrefutable proof of. How stupid can you be? Real stupid, becasue I got them on negligent AND willful.

    Genesis-that woman had better be happy I am a lady, because she tried to shake me down! When you are ordered to show the other side your evidence, the first thing she told me was that she had my posts from the Creditnet forum(she went first out of the 3). The convo ended there. I told her to bring it. The judge did the same as the other one, and threw it to the side. She lied too, and the judge caught her out there as well. Not to mention that he looked at her like a snake about the post print-out(I think he thought her worse than the first one when he didn't go for it). She started backing down when she saw how disgusted he was and claimed then that she didn't come up with it. It had nothing to do with the case(which I told her when she tried the extortion), so it was a waste of time. I'm going to consult my lawyer about the invasion of privacy and see what I can do about that. I am NOT even joking. HEE HEE HEE

    So I have to wait a few days to get the judge's ruling in the mail. Since he didn't dismiss and didn't rule in their favor, it looks good. Actually, he was a lawyer standing in for a judge. I'll let you know when I get the results. Meanwhile, stand your ground, be honest and never let the games get you down. I am more determined than ever to kick butt as a lawyer.
  2. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness!! This is really something!!

    Were you able to keep your composure? I'm thinking you wanted to roll on the floor and laugh at these people!

    Hope the decision makes you very happy :)
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    It sounds like it went well. I'm sure the judge will rule in your favor. I do have 1 question. What invasion of privacy are you referring to?
  4. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    HI NCO, IC Systems and Genesis goons!!!!!!!! Good to meet you.

    LOL LOL, ttowns, this post cracks me up. What were they trying to prove with your c-netter posts -- that you'd done your homework? You know which threads they had? I'd love to read them so I can see what impresses the goons.

    You won your court case(s) then? It was 3 seperate cases or one with 3 defendants?

    Actually, I'm thinking the judge should have read whatever threads they brought along -- then smacked them for not only ignoring your letters but obviously playing with you, all the while with no intent to comply with the laws. Having and trying to use the threads, I think, speaks to malice and willful.

    And gosh, look how famous the board and pbm is getting, maybe the judge will log on too!!!!!!!

    Hi Judge! Good to meet you too!

  5. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Where are my manners!!! Thank you, Sassy !!

    Hi, CA goons from me as well...
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    The thing is if the idiots are watching the board and still losing in court they are worse than stupid. What did they think that they were going to accomplish by taking threads from the board to court? I'm surprised that all 3 showed up. What state do you live in? I think that you will win!! Don't sweat it!! Charlie
  7. voodochild

    voodochild Well-Known Member

    Howdy all ya debt collectors,
    I hope you all have appreciated my cunning attempts to trick you.

    the game is on!!
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    What if the consumer printed out all the threads from OTHER posters that have had the SAME problems with these CA's?

    How did these CA's know it was you? Did they BOTH print out the stuff, or did one print it out and give it to the other?
  9. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    I have a feeling that they judge actually might be lurking. I think that there was an invasion of privacy. I might sue them for that. I might be wrong since this is the internet. However, the judge was clearly irritated, if not outright disgusted. As I said, the first CA did it, the 2nd didn't even try, and then the third? And then claimed she wasn't the one that found it(if it was one giving it to the other, they really both deserve what they got!)! Ha ha HA! Nothing like having some dastardly deed blow up in your face. I never did find which one of them called Providian. However, it's narrowed down to either Genesis or NCO. To hell with them(reading THAT, Wendy and Carol?). I was the only one who told the truth in this whole thing. They're lucky as hell that I didn't sue them in Federal Court. I'm still suing NCO/MedClr. She tried to make the judge think that the 3 accounts I had with them were one(how could THAT be-they have 50 different DBAs). The judge saw that she was lying(I brought the evidence, so HA!). Hell, she couldn't KEEP her lies straight. She contradicted herself so many times that I had to put my head down to keep the judge from seeing me laugh at her. They inadvertently helped me out with a completely separate matter. THANKS! They were completely blindsided by something they have lost touch with-the TRUTH. The sad thing is that they still won't change the way that they do business. Wendy Jacques from Genesis tried to say it was about money. Hell, I make more than the 3 of them combined. I've been working on cash for years. I wonder if any of the 3 can purchase their car for cash like I did one of mine? Doubt it. It was about my ability to have the plastic in my wallet, buy a $60,000 car without paying it all at once(I change cars too often for that) and all around to be able to live the American dream. Who wants to walk around with $5000 cash? Either way, the court baliff said he was impressed with the way that I presented my cases. I know I kicked a**. And more importantly(to me), I did all of that AND told the truth. I bet you they won't show THAT to the judge. As I said in court, if they had worked according to the laws it never would have gotten this far. And they wonder why my son is going to private school...

    Oh by the way, did I mention that I DID printout that other posters were having probelms with them, too? Not to mention when they've been sued by the FTC or in class actions? Showed their ugly sides, they did. Another thing, I am thinking about suing them for extortion as well. If anyone here is a lawyer, let me know. I don't take intimidation lying down.
  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    What is the invasion of privacy? Reading on a public message board? Or figuring out it was the you of you that was posting?

    If the judge was irritated at minimum, did the judge feel the same way about you having brought copies involving the companies? or was the irritation because they singled you out?

    HI WENDY AND CAROL!!!!!!!!

    HI Wendy Jacques from Genesis.

    What are the chances of these two being in trouble with their bosses?

    Did you happen to check and see if they were listed as members of the ACA; they'd LOVE to know about their antics.

    I'm glad you told the truth, ttowns, it matters to a lot of people and even if the judge never reads it, he/she surely knew because they weigh carefully the truth-tellers -- once you've lost credibility with a judge, if even just once, your case is over.

    And besides, it makes for better sleep at night; you can always look at yourself in the mirror; and you never have to worry about what is coming back around.

    What is the extortion references?

  11. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    The extortion comes in when NCO and Genesis told me that they were going to show the judge my posts so I might want to drop the case before we were in front of the judge. Since the judge saw it, I could call him in as a witness. We were ordered to show each other our evidence, so of course I saw it and so did the judge. Hmmm. Think they'll say he lied? I don't THINK so. I had nothing to lose. I have no one to answer to. They do.Hmmm. Think they might be in trouble when I file the invasion of privacy and extortion lawsuits? They're digging their own graves. The invasion of privacy can cover them spying on me. How else would they know that I even post here? Then to print it out, bring it to court, attempt to extort me into dropping the case and showing it to the judge? Hmmm. I might do it in Federal court this time. I hope they are reading this. The more they push me and try to scare and intimidate me, the more laws they break. And don't let me bring my fellow CNs in to court... Are you reading this, WENDY? CAROL? Oh yes, puh-leeze contradict the judge. PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE. They might go to jail for the extortion. Wasn't worth it, was it?
  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    "The game, she is afoot."

    Sherlock Holmes
  13. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately there's no expectation of privacy here.


    I'm still trying to figure out what inculpatory (self incriminating) statements Ttowns has made on here.

    What was it about these posts that they thought would help their case?
  14. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    My point is that they went looking for me.Lord knows I didn't TELL them I posted here. The judge even asked how she got it. Then of course she became Forrest Gump. Life isn't just a box of choclolates, now she doesn't know where the chocolates came from. Regardless, I'm filing the suits. The extortion is a no-brainer. I'm going to the police department tomorrow to file the complaint. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. They messed with the wrong girl. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. If they had complied with the law, they wouldn't have to defend anything, now would they? By the way, one of the posts was after NCO's lawyer had sent me a letter requesting my SS# and account information. I was like, "I'm not sending them anything, She can kiss my a**. Why would I send them my social? They should have it since they've been reporting me to the CRAs!" Yeah, I'm a raving lunatic now, right? But I'm an HONEST raving lunatic. Whatever. I can't stand people that get themselves into trouble and then try to turn the tables an blame everyone else. You'd think that as old as they were(except the 21 year old from IC) they would have learned better. You can't play the whole intimidation game with me. My mother made Joan Crawford look like Little Bo Peep. I've been there, done that when I was 10.
  15. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Man she's really excited.

  16. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    This is hilarious. Ttowns calm down. Good job. But now you need some rest.

    Let's talk extortion, RICO and Treason tomorrow.

    (Remind me not to PlSS her off)

  17. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    I just checked with the local law enforcement. It's gonna be blackmail, not extortion. Now I can get some rest.
  18. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    what a great POST!!!!
  19. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    Hey Jordan -

    I would have looked at these guys and asked, "And how is this a problem for me?" LOL Maybe we should all go to that collectors website and show how they talk about ways to trick the consumer to restart the SOL clock on a dead debt! Then tell them that if they give you double what you asked for before you see the judge then you won't show him what YOU have! ROFLMAO Like the judge would even care or consider the info. It isn't relevant.

    NCO are the biggest idiots out there! I wonder if they will connect me to my posts? Hee hee.

    I eagerly await the outcome!
  20. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    ----->$1,000 USE-FEE FORWARDED TO PBM!!!

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