My small claims suit is on the 25th. I need to fly to NC for this. My only problem is tickets are pretty high because of the short stay. I asked in my paperwork to be reimbursed for travel costs but do you think that they judge will frown over a nonstop $500.00 flight? I honestly have NO DOUBT that I will win this case. I just do not want to spend 10 hours to get there if I only really need to spend 1 hour 45 minutes.
maybe i am missing something. why do you have to fly to nc for small claims suit... why didn't you just sue them in your small claims jurisdiction?
I was wondering the same thing, you should have been able to sue in your local small claims court. Unless you are the respondent.....
I can't. I leased a home in NC. I then moved back to Michigan. The law states that I must sue in the county that the defendant lives in. This info can be found here.
But the FCRA and FDCPA state that you can sue in any court of competent jurisdiction... I must be missing something.
Yes. What you are missing is that this has nothing to do with the FCRA or the FDCPA. This is a landlord tenant issue. Sorry I didn't make that clear.