I have disputed all I can and have gotten my credit quite clean considering all the junk that was on there. I have done validation letters, some have come back showing that I owe the money. I have also disputed with the CRAs for several months. But I am wondering what to do now short of lawsuits? I did get one credit card from Orchard Bank and have paid on time for about 6 months. The rest of my credit either shows charge offs that have validated and a few old closed good accouts. Do I just wait a while? Next year some of the charge offs (about 1/3 of the bad debt) will fall off. My scores are the high 500s to the low 600s?
if you have actual violations for fcra or fdcpa, then why not lawsuits...... did you send estopple letters or did you stop after initial validtion .... and how many dispute rounds have you done?
As far as validations I have most many fell off my credit after the 1st letter. I have done 3 rounds with a couple of them. The others sent me validation and there was no fcra violations. They are the big ones like 6k, 4k, 3k and so forth. The others that never responded but keep verifing the debt to the CRA are small ones. With the CRAs I have diputed on a montly basis for over a year. The main reason I don't want to sue is that I don't want them to know where I live. I just recently moved to another state (7 months ago). I figure in about 2 years almost all of them will fall off if they don't do a judgement. If the big ones do a judgement I might do a BK. I just wonder if I should keep disputing the CRAs? They have not budged in about 5 months or so.
I made sure my stuff was over the SOL and the creditors that did not reply to my validation letters got complaints filed against them with my state AG office and BBB. I did better with the companies that did not reply to my vaidation letters than the ones that did reply. I did not have a single company that sent a copy of any contract that I signed.
I did have a few of the big debts send a copy of signed contract so there was nothing I could do with those. So I guess I should wait it out?
See how much longer before the SOL runs out. After the SOL runs if they sue you they can't win. Did at anytime the CRA claim the disputes were frivilous? I just finished my first round with mixed results. Give yourself credit for staying in there. Most would have quit.
I think a round of letters to the CRA @ 6 months is about all you can do. I see that I had a lot of luck with my stuff.
You could do 2 things at this point, 1. Demand a Certified Copy of the contract that means a notary has certify it is a true copy with a notary seal. Refuse to except anything but a Certifed Copy. 2. Take a real close look at the signature on the copy to make sure it is realy yours.
The SOL is not up for most of them for another year to 3 years. I think waiting is the best bet at this point. I will just keep an eye on my credit to make sure no judgements show up. Since I don't live in Colorado anymore they can't say I was served a notice!
If you have a credit card (through Orchard, I believe you said?), the CRAs should have your address. If they have it, the CAs can get it just by pulling your credit report.
For credit cards, what state counts for SOL? We moved around alot and some of mine were obtained in a 3yr SOL state. We now live in a 6 yr state, which is where they charged off. What if we move to a 3yr SOL state?
Ibrown59, you keep asking me how long the contracts are good for. Well these were credit card. I was under the understanding that it was good for the 6 yrs in CO, I think it is the same for where I live now. Isn't it considered a promisary note?