This board should be shut down.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by VeryUpset, Sep 9, 2002.

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  1. VeryUpset

    VeryUpset Guest

    After looking throughout the threads on this board I believe this board should be shut down. I found ways to :

    Open Multi-Citibank accounts BBD ?
    Doc's Trick ?
    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    I am employed in the financial field and your members are hurting banks and other corporations. As well as themselfs. I am reporting this site to the FTC, BBB and the Local and State goverments.

    I also will be contacting the executive offices of Capital One, Citibank, Chase, Providian the 3 credit bureaus to name a few to provide them with this information. So they may also contact their Attorneys.

    This site promotes cheating, lying, and consumer and commercial fraud.

    This site hides behind the fact it is giving out legit credit information.
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    You should read some more, your assessment isn't very accurate.

  3. neosmatrix

    neosmatrix Well-Known Member


    I believe this is pulse again. The IP address comes back to same area as pulses did..
  4. MakeItSo34

    MakeItSo34 Well-Known Member

    Here we go!!!

    all I have to say, if you are going to start "reporting" things, you have alot of "reporting" to do...There are many other "sites" besides this one that are open to the public for "OPEN" discussion.


    hope you have strong fingers!!
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Very Upset,

    If you do indeed work in the financial services field, perhaps you could help everyone by informing your colleagues of the fcra and fdcpa and how to obey the law.

    btw, mutiple citi accounts are not against the law and neither is doc's trick

    please explain to cap one how to report accurate balances on accounts!

    I think we could get a whole lot accomplished if you mentioned this when you correspond or talk to the folks mentioned in your post!
  6. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    This "site" is not doing anything illegal. It is obvious to me that you work for Citibank.

    A majority of us are doing absolutely NOTHING illegal. As a matter of fact we are standing up to the people that are. What is illegal about having two credit cards by the same company? We simply are sharing our knowledge and protecting each other from you vultures. Also you refereed to Doc's trick....I also fail to see how this is illegal. The credit bureaus MUST investigate ALL information that is incorrect. Including inquiries. In short get lost and find something better to do with your time. Try the back door...It can be found hidden on Citibanks website. I will give you a hint! It is a double door.
  7. mh1757

    mh1757 Well-Known Member

    Don't try to explain anything to he/she. They are communists. They need to read this:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances
  8. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    I wanted to say that I personally have found this board and it's members to be EXTREMELY helpful.

    I do not want to get in a back and forth with you, but I think it is up to the person using the board on whether to use the advice on this board.

    I thank GOD everyday that I found this board, because it has helped me tremendously with my credit.

    If you have looked at alot of the threads, you will see that MANY of the people you are talking about reporting us to are members and monitor this board regularly anyway.

    This post is not meant to start a back and forth, this is my OPINION.
  9. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    This is what happens when the ignorant try to interfere with due process. It's a constitutional right.....

    Due process before being deprived of life liberty and pursuit of happiness. a new house would certainly qualify, so might a new car...

    We are all law abiding citizens, more so than you if you report this to anyone.

    Hey, I have an idea, why don't you attempt to read and understand the Fair Credit Reporting Act or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act before you slanderize and libelize???
  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    TY nemo.

    Gosh, is it a full moon or what? LOL

    Pulse meet highway, highway meet Pulse.

  11. VeryUpset

    VeryUpset Guest

    Indeed there is some useful legal information on this site. But by in large the information being given out is not legal. If fact it is called consumer and / or commercial fraud.

    I will let the powers that be decide the the future of this board. If found to be not harmful to others in the financial services it may stay after all. But I will have to report the site to all of the above.

    Sorry, its just hurting to many people and companys.
  12. mh1757

    mh1757 Well-Known Member

    Very Upset, you have a psychological problem. Probably not getting laid. Anyway, get a life! Why are you so UPSET!!! Don't you have other things to worry about in your life than this board. Your fight will be fruitless!!! It has tried before with some other websites and they all lost. Read the constitution!
  13. mh1757

    mh1757 Well-Known Member

    BTW, search on "HACKERS" and tell me why there web sites are not shutdown. Umm...
  14. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    Hey veryupset explain this. Your credit card companies put unauthorized hard inquiries on our credit reports and do nothing about it. We call the CRA who refuses to even investigate and you have the balls to complain about docs trick? Are you nuts. I am within a couple weeks of sueing TU and Experian over this. Go jump back on your high horse and get he hell off this board. If you people did not treat us like crap we would not even have to be here to begin with. go to hell loser.
  15. toolhound

    toolhound Well-Known Member

    yeah i feel for ya. Just like the Ca's are honest . At least they give me a reach around when they bend me over !!!
  16. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    If you are Pulse, I apologize to the board for posting this.

    VeryUpset, I have actually talked to Citi and Cap1 and they already know about this board. In fact if you read other threads here there are MANY companies that "watch this board". (Eugene Cooke truly likes his "team of CreditNet followers and visits here often - he works in the executive offices in case you want to "RAT US OUT")

    Actually to believe otherwise would be naive on anyone's part.

    So I do not want you to waste your all means let ALL the creditors you possibly can, know of this board. Have them come visit us. Have them learn the laws that we are all discussing here.

    But I do wish you would not waste your (and our) time posting here with idle threats of closing down this board.

    We simply do not want to hear it anymore.

    If you wish to express your views of closing down this bulletin board please bring it up with PBM or Creditnet...they will be more than glad to address your opinions of the terms of use on this board I am sure.

    -Peace, Dave
  17. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Sorry. That just describes you to a tee. You're ignorant and no is afraid of the things that spew forth from your mouth. Do what you have to do and we will do the same. Trolls have but one purpose and that is to disrupt the board. We realize the information given here is open to anyone who wants to read it. But it speaks highly for creditnet because it is a powerful and USEFULL venue, powerful enough to make you and a lot of other creditors uneasy. Be afraid, be very afraid. And in the words of that litte lady for Poltergeist, "All are welcome, all are welcome."
  18. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I am still laughing. Just WHO do you think that will shut down a message board of consumers sharing info? If you think that you are going to save the world you are wrong. They know that we are here...
  19. hmongster

    hmongster Well-Known Member

    Are you a collection agent? Not makin much money at your bottomfeeding job huh? Yep, blame it all on the creditnet board.
    BTW I searched out this board because I had a collection agent who thought he was above the law i.e., didn't validate when I requested, said he was going to file lawsuit against me, etc. I told that loser I was going to sue him and he said I did not have a legal right to do so LOL. Wow, so POWERFUL.
    The abuses that the collection industry gets away with outnumbers this board by the hundreds of thousands.
  20. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

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