Deletion letter- Risk Management Has anyone on the board ever received a deletion letter from Risk Management. I have letters from the OC demanding deletion and RM is stating it is against their policy to give one. Getting the run around. If you have received any deletion letters from RM please let us know.
Re: Deletion letter- Risk Management nugentk2, I have not received a deletion letter but, RMA has just dropped the account from my report with no explanation.
Re: Deletion letter- Risk Management As of today, I received a deletion letter from RMA out of Duluth, GA....Contact information is as follows I hope this helps someone out: Risk Management Alternatives, Inc. 4450 River Green Parkway Suite 200 Duluth, GA 30096 Robert L. Crowe Manager, Consumer Assistance (678) 417-8503 telephone (678) 417-8598 fax
Re: Deletion letter- Risk Management Tea, How did you get that? Were there any magic words or letters your sent? I am thinking of court, but am hoping to just get it deleted. Please let me know
I have dealt with risk mangement and had to buy pass them and go straight to the OC. This has worked for me. Risk managment are no that easy to work with . So first by passing themand going to the OC should be done first. This will probably ge t you farther.
That is my problem. I did go around them went to the OC, received a demand for deletion from them (utility) and RM still refused to delete the tradeline. I am getting the run around from them. The CRA said since the OC isn't reporting the debt than they can not accept the letter from the OC.
nugen have you tried to take the letter ( anything positive thing from the OC) and fax it to the collectors and have you simply faxed the letter to the credit bureas 2 of them do accept fax. This has worked for me. I told the credit bureaus that "the collectors were wrong and hear is the proof ( letter from the OC for this account I got all three to delete the entry.) I normally fax everything to every comapny involved while simultaneously disputing the entery with all three bureaus . This was effective with palisade collections as well as others. It takes doing every thing at all fronts. I do not like to spend a lot of time on entries so I do every thing at once and wait to see what comes back. mostly it has been deletions. What happens after you spend a lotof time on an enrty those little non-successes gets you discouraged and subsequently you become not as effective because of discouragement and the time you but into this one entry. I have had several strategies to go from a 565 to a 711. hope this helps
oh for any one seeking info from paliside they have a credit report department this is while I was able to talk directly to the person who sends in the info to the credit bureaus he was very nice, said although the CR Bureaus wer reporting a collections account he had no record of them ( paliside ) having me on file so he sent me a letter I then faxed to Cr bureraus and it came off .
RMA has one of my old accounts. It is way past SOL so I am not worried about anything and it is due to drop off in 6 months. Usually I hear nothing from them EXCEPT when I order a credit report from Equifax then I get a letter from RMA stating "We see you have applied for credit... and now would be a good time to get this matter cleared up." Now this is a "soft" consumer only inquiry but it ALWAYS triggers a letter.
Hi, I have a couple of comments to make. "Knock on wood"-for some reason, I just disputed RMA and they came off of EX and EQ with no problem. (I don't wanna jinx myself!!) They were never on TU. Second, If it is possible Tony, I need more info on who you spoke with so that I can get this Palisade Collections off of EX and EQ. I know nothing of an ATT account that would have gone to collections in 96. Could you post the number and/or contact information for Palisade Collection. Thanks for your time, Aleta
I got a deletion letter from RMA for an old ameritech account. funny thing is , the letter says delete but equifax updated to "paid collection" .... can someone say <lawsuit>.