DYK- E is for Equifax?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ybdvs, Sep 10, 2002.

  1. ybdvs

    ybdvs Member

    Did you know... the E in e-loan.com is for Equifax? Crazy? e-loan.com scores are based off a TransUnion report, but if you apply for a mortgage, it shows up as being pulled from Equifax Loans.

    Crazy... more made up numbers???
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    If the E was for Equifax, why would the score be based on TU?
  3. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

  4. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Just because they pull Equifax for loans doesn't make them an Equifax affiliate. Do you have anything to back up your claim?
  5. lyttlemac

    lyttlemac Well-Known Member

    Before discovering Creditnet, I used to wonder, what's in it for the CRA's? I mean, they fight tooth-and-nail to keep inaccuracies ON our reports, and for what reason? I now know that these errors result in lower scores. So who wins? The CRA's are performing this service for their customers, the credit industry, so that the credit industry can charge the consumer higher interest rates.

    From the California Civil Code Section 1785.1(c): "There is a need to insure that consumer credit reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumer's right to privacy."

    Where is the impartiality, when Equifax is in control of both ends of the deal: the score, AND the lending, as in the case of eloan. And what of the CRA's that also have debt collection subsidiaries?

    Could a California class-action suit based on a violation of the California Civil Code, affect this scheme? I believe California was the first to require that consumers be privy to FICO scores, and so went the rest of the nation.
  6. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    So when you sign up for the 30 day trial of their credit monitoring...they give you a free credit report from Equifax? Or is it TU? I was thinking of signing up just to get my Equifax report, but I don't want to bother if they are going to give me TU.
  7. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Where can, even a Californian, get their Experian "Fico" score?

    I believe TU only just recently began offering their "Fico" score through myfico.com.

    I remember when that California law passed. That was about the time Credit Expert popped up. I do not think consumers were privy to their FICO scores then and I am only slightly convinced they are now.

    -Peace, Dave
  8. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    Do you have proof that they are "DYKES"?

    Lol, sorry I couldn't resist. I have a dirty mind today.
  9. ybdvs

    ybdvs Member

    My claim?

    Sorry, I must not have been clear enough for you earlier. I applied for a mortgage at E-loan. On my Transunion, Equifax and Experian credit reports it now shows an inquiry from "Equifax Mortgage Services."

    Not a "claim," a "fact!"
  10. sbdmom

    sbdmom Well-Known Member

    I have heard that when you request your free credit report they pull TU..I see that on my credit reports
    But when you actually go to apply and give them premission to pull a hard inquiry they pull EQ.
    Who knows

  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Sorry, must not have been clear enough for you earlier. It still doesn't prove that the E is for Equifax. In fact, if it was, don't you think the score they give you would be based on Equifax, not TU?
  12. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I always thought the "e"stood for electronic, as in "e" mail.
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    So did I. And I still do.
  14. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    EQUIFAX or EQ...
  15. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    When Eloan started giving out credit scores didn't EQ raise hell, maybe even sue Eloan, because they did give out scores? Charlie
  16. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    Equifax is not a lender or mortgage company. One of their services is to provide special consumer report for the mortgage companies exclusively. That's why your report shows an inquiry from "Equifax Mortgage Services".

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