I'am sending out about eight settlement letters for deletion with payment in full . I'am I crazy ? I need to get my credit score up from 484 to the mid 500's by x-mas , I could get the axe at Boeing .
You might be crazy and really screwing yourself, you might be taking the best possible approach. It's impossible to say which without knowing the detail behind those low scores.
Just alot off charge-offs from doctor bills bounced checks and the such. I'am sending the letters to the CA and hope they will delete them after talking to the OC .
Did you have insurance at the time, or was it self-pay? I would start at 50% (personally) and work from there. Also, it may help if you send the OC a copy of the letter you send to the CA. That way the CA might not completely disregard your letter. All the OC wants is their money, the CA wants blood too.
A few things... (a) If a CA agrees to deletion, it does not mean that the OC is obligated. The OC may and probablly will continue to report the delinquency. (b) Be careful what you offer. What if some accept? Are you willing to pay off some of them? To many future creditors, having one delinquency on your report is as bad as a dozen. So removing half of them doesn't buy you anything. (c) In my experience, you are not going to get 100% cooperation. Good luck. Cheers.
Toolhound, Could you share with who has told you that your credit report must show a certain score or you will lose your job?
If you have until December why not try a round or two of disputes with the bureaus. Use all the standard tricks... delete old addresses and other identifying info first, then dispute. You will probably lose a lot that way. To really make your score rise though you need ALL the derogs off the report. Going from 15 collections/charge offs to 5 really won't help a whole lot.
I did not really believe this when I first started and from personal experience what Martig4 is saying is so true. I have gotten at least 10 deletions off TU and still I am in the 490s. Some of my derogs are SLs and they are not going anywhere. So I would have to say, dispute them first.