Can a court fine be sent to a CA?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Om, Sep 11, 2002.

  1. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    Well, not really a fine. I was sentenced to 5 days in jail some time back for a small wrestling match in some Idaho pub. Upon exiting the slammer they tell me I owe them for my stay, like I checked into a Hilton or something. Needles to say, I never paid and this hotel bill is on my report as a collection. I've only tried to dispute this online but am wondering if they can do this. Does anybody know if they can? I can't seem to find anything online but thought that state and county gov. is responsible for collecting monies owed to them. If I get fined for walking my dogs off leash should I expect another - mark on my report?

  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    some courts, municipalities and state government, school districts etc., do use ca to collect fines and past due fees, including water, library and the like.
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Tell me about what collection notices you received from the CA and what bills you received from the "court" before that.

    In other words how did you first become aware that they were charging you?

    Are they now collecting on something they never gave you an opportunity to pay?

  4. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Where I live they also make inmates pay $10.00 a day for their incarceration.

    If they do not pay they will eventually be re-arrested and put back in the slammer.

    DO NOT IGNORE this debt!!

    Your dealing with Government here and not a normal business or credit card company. There may be laws against people who do not pay criminal court costs or restitution in the state where you live.

    The next collection notice may be in the form of an arrest warrant.

    Good Luck!

  5. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    It's like reverse eviction. Instead of being thrown out for not paying, you're thrown back in. Makes my heart feel good to know that with all the murder's, rapist's and psycho's out there, they put people back in jail for this?
  6. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    They told me as I was walking out the door that I owed x amount of money for my stay, other than that nothing. I've received fines before for throwing parties when I was 19/20 but they never went to collections. That is why I was shocked, not to mention embarrassed, to see these on my report.
  7. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    No wonder there is an overcrowding problem. I had no idea we charged people to go to jail. What a laugh...

    So do you have to violate the law, or can I book a reservation through my Travel Agency? The rates sound pretty good. $10 per night beats Hilton. Hell, it's even better than motel 6. I think next time I travel on business, I will book a room at the local jail and save the company some
  8. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    They have another one where they'll make you sit in jail to pay off a fine but charge you to do it.


    Lets say Johnny Rotten has a $200 fine and has been arrested for failure to pay, the judge will have him put in jail to "sit" off the fine at a rate of say $40 per day. Five days later the fine will be clear, but they will charge you for being in jail say $20 per day.
  9. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Yup. But the psychos ect. cant pay so they go after the deep pockets.

    And, well the psychos had a bad childhood ect.

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