AMEX - a memory like an elephant!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by AustinGuy, Sep 11, 2002.

  1. AustinGuy

    AustinGuy Well-Known Member

    In 1985, they charged off my account. Flash forward to 2002. Declined because of that charge off. I guess I'm black balled for life unless I become VERY rich.
  2. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    can you pay the charge off? Because once it is paid and since it is not on any report you should be good.
  3. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    Yes, Kbanger is right.

    Pay the chargeoff and wait about a year and you can open an account.

    I have 3 more months myself.


    On an old post someone said they applied for the Blue, got rejected for an old chargeoff, called them, got transferred to collections, paid the old amount, and was told to call back in 10 days, and got the Blue.

    By the way, I like the title of your post, because it is sooooooo true.

    Good luck..
  4. AustinGuy

    AustinGuy Well-Known Member

    There are a zillion credit cards in the big city....I don't NEED that one. If they can't get over it after 17 years, then I'll see who else will bite. Now I just need some of that good old fashioned bumpage to get the inquiry off my report! :)
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Right On.

  6. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

  7. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    I have to also agree with this, but for me it will be Chase, First Union and Bank of America
  8. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I agree, why beg them if you don't have to.
  9. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    Amex is not BK friendly are they?
  10. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    No, they are not BK friendly.
  11. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi SCmomof5 - JR!

    I got an AMEX Green DURING a non-discharged CH 13 - but it was in the heyday of loose credit.
    At that time they still had secured Optima.

    They manually overrode the computer and issues my a card acct. FYI - I owed them an old "college days" balance of $1000.

    I paid the $1000, and worked with that Acct Mgr to make sure they were made whole - and at the same time, she told me she would give me a Green or a revolving card. I needed no pre-set limit.

    BUT - they won't even send me any upgrades to other cards. I expect in Oct 2003, when my reports fall clean, then they will be more flexible.

    they definitely helped my reports too! Overall, a strong win-win situation.

    aarrff - dogman
  12. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hey BMW -
    get a Diners Card. I am sure you'll get it - today if you snap their site.

    aarrfff - dogman

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