Best current Discover card options?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveH, Sep 11, 2002.

  1. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    We'd like an account with Discover for my wife. In the last few months, she's received solicitations for the:

    Titanium Card
    Platinum Card
    Clear Card

    I don't see one spot on where the differences between these cards are delineated. On the site, they also are offering an 8 months 0% on BTs and purchases, which is pretty nice.

    Some sites are offering referral bonuses for signing up., for instance, gives $16 for getting approval on a Platinum card. They say that there is a 0% teaser rate, but don't say whether it's 8 months.

    Finally, I wonder if doing a BT when applying allows for a much higher initial limit (like some other cards do?)

    Any shrewd discover card shoppers out there? Would most appreciate feedback.
  2. denied

    denied Well-Known Member

    I couldn't find any difference between "Clear" and "Platinum" except the physical card. Don't quote me on that though.

    I changed my normal plat. Discover to the clear one purely for the aesthetic value, plus I got an extra 6mos of 0% when I did it.

    I have to ask--what _are_ the differences between titanium and platinum discover? Are the benefits any better? Does Titanium carry any extra fees? (Does it look cooler than the blue "clear" card?) Is there a web link to Discover titanium card offerings?

    They never offered me one (surprise, surprise!), but I wonder if I could talk them out of one.

    The only "Titanium" card I've ever had was from X.Com, and...well, that's another story.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  4. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Kind of off topic, but, does discover always pull eq.
  5. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Interesting George...I wonder if there's an offsetting advantage?

    jrjr35, they pull all 3 apparantly, but I've got another thread asking about what they're likely to pull here (in WA...)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Lower interest...but you get NO "REAL" advantage, BECAUSE you should NEVER carry a balance on a CASH BACK CARD anyway...

    The "LOWER INTEREST RATE" is no big is NOT like 5.99% or even 9.99% as far as I know...
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    They pulled Experian for me in AZ.
  8. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Did you get it? What were your scores if so and were there any derogs at the time. They pull ex here and I want to apply
  9. jsever

    jsever Well-Known Member

    They pulled experian for me, then they waited two weeks and pulled TU. Then they waited another two weeks and denied me! Said I had too many balances on other cards. It's a "catch 22" situation. They entice you with low bt rates and then deny you because you have balances!
  10. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    They pulled Eq only for me 7/02 and I was approved. $3k with 0% bt, purchases and cash advances until 4/03 with no fees.
  11. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    that's terrible jsever, sorry about that....

    betacredit, what state were you in, and congrats!
  12. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    betacredit- what score did you have and were there any negatives, high revolving %, or inquiries? thanks
  13. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member


    I'm in FL.

    My score was inflated due to the disputes - 754. No negatives. 2 -30 lates from 2+ years ago.

    I had applied in Feb. and was denied and called and asked the csr why. Basically they said you have to have perfect credit. But I knew my score and negs were a big factor, I think it was 630something back then and I had a couple of negs of there.

    Cap.1 was killing my score since it was at 100% usage. I put it in dispute and gained 75 pts. I had some old 10+ years accounts on there and had 2 inquiries. Plus, I owe more than 100% of my student loans but I don't think that is hurting.
  14. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Thanks betacredit. I wish I could be sure they'd pull EQ for us also...
  15. gracie

    gracie Well-Known Member

    With EQ, when I disputed, never did my scores go they with everyone else's?
  16. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    mine did gracie.

    Any other thoughts on this?
  17. jpriafl

    jpriafl Active Member

    Re: Best current Discover card opti

    I disputed on 11/26-28 period, the scores didn't change one bit right away; about a week later I got some balances registered as zero (going from 48% to 63% credit available only got me 5 points though - 663 to 668. An old car loan that ended 4 yrs ago (1 60-day, 8 30-days) raised it from 668 to 682 when it got deleted though)

    Now I'm just waiting for the paperwork to go through on an invalid $4000 collection, maybe I'll get up to 700??)


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