Came acrossed this proposed amendment to the FDCPA from last year. Gib
looks like this is still pending go to the legislation button
The one page I appreciate is the listing of who were the sponsors of this bill. I now know who NOT to vote for! :-( Very ashamed that so many republicans sponsored this bill.
I sent an email to the clerk asking for the email addresses of the reps... I think a mass emailing campaign is in order...
This folks in Wash DC should think about the accounting and bill paying they have been responsible over the last 50 years. These are the folks that are responsible for a national debt that comapred to all of ours combined is drop of water in all oceans of the world put together. These are the same people that were writing rubber checks from the Congressional Bank and were not held responsible for. These people use our tax money to create new laws to take more of our freedoms and rights away, while they are not accountable for their own actions. They think that creating more laws instead of enforcing existing one is what the public needs. OBVIOUSLY they are wrong again. A Major lettering writing and email campaign needs to start to ensure this goes no further. WE NEED A LETTER THAT WE CAN ALL SIGN OFF ON AND SEND IT TO THESE ELITIST WINDBAGS. We need others besides the folks here on this board to participate. Tell your family, friends and neighbors. JFK once said "It in not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Lets do something good for our country and stop this bill. You must realize this is serious when I quote JFK. I am a Die Hard Conservative Republican. Hope that does not offend anyone. E
Here's the part that takes the cake: This should be posted on other forums, they want to chip away at what little teeth the FDCPA has. Major letter/email campaign to our representatives is in order. Gib
YES WE SHOULD! 3 Strike Felons get more protection under the law then we do. These criminals get a 2nd and 3rd chance to start a new life. We too should a chance at a new start. BUMP THE HELL OUT OF THIS SUBJECT!
I have seen e-mail petitions before. Maybe one of the more technical users could start circulation? I don't know how effective they are, but if congress sees a large consumer backlash, they are likely to kill the bill I think.
Breeze- I *think* it's down on the left it say legislature.. *EDIT* Here's the link to the sponsors page, i could copy and paste it's in PDF form. HR 2014 co-spon.pdf If YOUR state rep sponsored it, remember that come election day, CONTACT THEM!!!
Since we're talking legislation The bankruptcy "reform" bill is faltering....
It is trying to let collection agencies off the hook for what are currently illegal operation methods. It will limit awards and legal fees a plaintiff will be able to recover in a successful lawsuit. In "layman's" terms, it is trying to accomplish the erosion of what little rights consumer's currently have. Gib
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by gracie What is this bill trying to accomplish in layman's terms....? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not out to accomplish anything,it's out to