for only $1600, which is ok since I'm currently staying home w/ the kids and not working. BUT, I was hoping to BT more than that. I know some people have called and gotten increases early on. I won't get the card for 2 weeks. Any advice?
Try calling and ask to speak to the credit department, tell them you want to do a BT so you would like a bigger credit line. This has worked like a charm for me, everytime I open a new CC I do this and it gets me at least a $1500 increase.
What CRA did the pull and do you know what your score/credit looked like? Although my score is going up, I still have paid collections from 6 months ago to work on. Thanks Sirrowan
I'd wait until you get the card, before activating call the # on the back of the card and state your case. If they wont give you an increase at least try to get an interest rate reduction.
I went through this exact scenario last week. I got $3300 but was looking for more to make better use of the BT offer. I called CS and asked for an increase, I had just received the card in the mail and hadn't activated it yet. She started asking me a series of questions that sounded like a report may be pulled. I asked her if it would and she said that she wasn't sure and if it was it would only cost me a point. I said, "I've known plenty of people, including myself that can prove that inquiries cost more than a point". I then proceeded to educate her on that matter. She also noted that everyone who's applied for a limit increase without utilizing the card that she's seen has been declined. We had been chatting for a while by this point and I do think that she was sincere. I figured it wasn't worth the risk of any inquiry so I backed out of the limit increase request. If you encounter a different scenario though, let us know. This just happened to me not even a week ago.