Red Rock Capital PO Box 278 Holden, Ma 014520 800-545-7310 Answers the phone as "Mass Cap" I sent a complaint to the division of banks which appears to regulate collectors in mass.
Guess what. They just showed up today. Date of organization 7/3/02. Certainly making a big splash for such a new company. Now we got some names
You misunderstood my point. I was saying as far as the reporting of this item, it doesn't matter whether there was activity or not, as paying on this in 97 or whatever year it was, does not reset the clock for reporting. The sol is a completely different issue that you are correct about.
Mandy- Is it if they are IN Mass only or does it cover companies in other states trying to collect from someone in Mass.? badrep- what state are you in?
KHM, Im in CA. Excellent point. Just where are they conducting businesss if the only contact they have had with me is through the TU report? Truly, never sent a letter or called me on the phone. Just simple blackmail through the TU report.
Applies to trying to collect from someone IN Mass too. I don't have the link readily available but I found it through a google search. Keys words probably something like collection and massachusetts and commissioner (sp?) of banks. Except for an entity that collects parking tickets on behalf of an out of state jurisdiction, all other CA's must be licensed and bonded to do business in MA when trying to collect from those in Mass. When you find the commissioner of banks yearly decisions (96 or 97 maybe) it's covered w/ a reference to the Mass Gen Laws.
I know this is a year later, but have you Scoob* been able to get anywhere with Red Rock Capital? The same guy owns 6 other companies, and he plays a shell game with them. Desert Capital Management makes inquiries, Red Rock files tradelines, Masscap used to own the debts, but legal hassles got too much and the Owner dissolved the corp, now there is Pilgrim Financial LLC, Baxter Holding Group LLC, and Pilgrim Capital Investments LLC, all owned by the same guy, Bill Burr, aka William S. Burr, living in either Holden or Worcester Mass. Please email me to share info, I have more. Thanks
Re: Re: Creditor won't remove 11 yr debt!! Wait about 10 days after sending the validation letter to them, then dispute again with TU. too_poor | ===================== Wrong way to do it.. Do no dispute with TU before getting the green card back?