You only have a CL of $1,700 after 8 faithfull years of patronage? Unless you were constantly late in your payments or something, I would say that is more a kick in the teeth than a thankyou. I have a CAP1 just over 1 year old with a $2,500 CL. If they insulted me with a measly $1,700 CL after 8 years, I'd close the account just to spite them. Just my opinion. BofA just gave us a brand new card with CL starting at $2,000 and intro rate of 3.9% APR. I think you guys are way over-rating CAP1. They are not all that great!!! Do you all work there or something?
That's my opinion too. Just an example. Capital One approved me last year for $300 credit card while the other CCC at the same time approved me for $10.000 and $8.000. I don't unerstand why Capital One is rated so high here at the CreditNet.
yes, I've been with Cap1 for 8 years, but trust me - it wasn't all rosy. I had a couple of late-pays and over the limits in the first 6 years, but was CLEAN since then (although always close to the limit). Decided in the past twelve months to get serious about my credit reports and have finally gotten my student loans paid off, paid off 3 cards, and improved my relationships with Citibank (my oldest T/L - from an AA Silver to a Gold AA World MC) and Capital One (got 2 derogs taken off the secured, got an unsecured Gold V (1,200) & Platinum MC (1,500)). So for the Cap1 rep to say, "You've earned it," it does feel a bit good considering my past mistakes. While I don't get the automatic increases that I've read about from others, I do find that I've been lucky to get increases when I request them. So any increase is an improvement for me. All this has gotten my scores from around 480-490 in '00 to 637-650 (got as high as 676 in July!) in '02. Now if only I can get the derogs off from my student loans (unfortunately, they never defaulted & I didn't know about the rehab program) when I paid them off. Thank you CreditNet! Eddie F.
Capital One must be having a good day today. I took the advice of others on this board and called their retention area about my two accounts and had wonderful results. My mastercard, with a $600 limit, 1 year 3 months old, credit limit was raised to $1600. This card started out as a fully secured card with a $200 line (it has since been unsecured). My Visa, with a $500 limit, only 5 months old, credit limit was raised to $1500. This card started as a $500 limit/$50 secured. Boom-Done. Four minute call and have $2000 more in credit. I love cap 1.
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to tell you that I think that Cap 1 is having a great day today! I read the posts and decided 'What the heck, I'll call them too!' I did and they offered me a BT of up to $2000 @ 9.9% (my current is 15.5%) and no membership fees for the next 12 months. Okay, I've got like 505 on EXP - and am beginning my research/info gathering phase for my credit cleanup. Most of my derogs and negative TLs will drop off next year (had a car accident in '96) and I will start the cleanup then. It would be great to get my other 3 cards with similar rates (15.5%) over to a lower rate. I don't have that much balance-wise, probably about $800 - $1000. Do y'all think I should go for it and do the BT?
wow! good to see everyone is getting good responses! I wish I had asked for C/L increases for my other two cards, but at the same time I don't want to push it. How often can one use the #? Every six months, for example?
Hi do any of you have the number for capitol one , I received the invitation for the platinum card went on line filled in the blanks, congraudulations you approved for 200$ with a 59$ anual fee, I dont think so I need to cancle, Thanks Pam
Pandora, did you have a secured card or unsecured? I'm wondering if I should try but I have a secured $49/$500 visa and I've had it for 6 months. Janet P.S. I would balance transfer if I were you if the other cards are higher interest.
what is the number to call.. i would love a higher amount for a nice balance transfer also what do i say? i dont want a hard inquiry! thanks
fyi they wouldnt give me a credit line increase but they did drop my interest rate another point this means that since june i went from 19.8 to 13.0 not bad
Hi Janet, I absolutely REFUSE to do secured cards. I know that results in a lower CL, and higher %, but I feel that I'm going to pay them enough anyway. Besides, when I get enough points back on my FICO, the Cap 1 will get paid off (maybe another BT at a lower rate? I'll keep my fingers crossed!). Right now, I have a CL of $200 (laughable, isn't it?!) and have had this same CL since 2000.
Hi Allen, what # did you call? I called 1-800-859-9939. I also used the same type of conversation that EF posted earlier: ********* - called the number, entered my account #, then whisked to a representative - she asked for my first / last name, last four digits of my SS# - "what can I do for you today?" - "I'd like to request a credit line increase on my Cap1 MC," I reply. - "Well, let's see what we can do" (keyboard clicks in the background) - "I'd just like to say that I've enjoyed being a Cap1 cardholder for the past few years," I brown-nose. - "Well, Mr. ____, you've been a cardholder for 8 years now, and I can increase your limit 1K. It will take 2 business days to take effect, and you will now have a c/l of 1,700." - "Thank you," I say enthusiastically. - "Thank you for being a Cap1 cardholder" ************** Maybe if you didn't call this # before, you could call it now? Wouldn't it be awesome if your % drop hadn't been updated in all their computers yet and you could get a BT or CL increase on top of it? Good Luck!!
yeap that is the way it went.. i have only been a cardholder for a little over a year and they already raised me about 6 mos ago no biggie.. the percentage drops are what i want
Yes to me and to many others they are all that great. No I dont work there and have no connection with them besides being a card holder. My credit history is not that long (A year roughly) so something this is important and very exciting for me. Not all of us have a long credit history and can get any card we want, so when the rep. said that he was going to increase my credit limit to $1,000 it made my day truly. Maybe in your opinion we are over rating them but in mine and many others they are great. Dont bring down our excitement here , we dont get those high starting and platinum offers just YET. Sheesh.....
I am very happy with Cap 1 as well. The transmission went in my van on the way home from work Monday. I called Cap 1 to ask for an increase on my platinum card that I've only had for 5 mos. and they gave me $1000 increase!