Everyone is already talking about it, so I was curious- What are the hard derogs that you are saving for CHOD?? Mine is a judgement on EXP that I'm waiting to hear about right now. If it's still there, I'll dispute it again then. On hubbies reports, he has a paid child support collection from almost 6 yrs ago, reporting on all 3. He also has 3 student loans w/ lates. I'll wait to dispute them again too. Just curious as to what everyones hardest ones are!
I have a couple of judgments and about three collection accounts. I am sure that at least some of these should come off.
I'd have to say this damn repo that's been giving me a headache! I'll probably dispute a couple other CC accounts that I haven't had much luck with.
Hi I will be disputeing whatever is left by then...lol a 9 yo bk, paid tax lien, one paid judgement of mine and one unpaid one on hubby's, and whatever collections are left. oh and possibly the cap1 chargeoff I think experian re-aged. if i haven't resolved it by then. I am hoping the chod will be as wonderful as anticipated I intent on fully sacrificing what ever to the credit gods before hand as it will be my last resort clean up effort before I conqure lender and get a morgage loan. Jamie
I have a satisfied judgement on EXP and on EFX that I need to dispute during CHOD. Pesky things just won't go away!
I have a 5 yr old utility collection on EQ and TU which is my las neg on any report (the other one will age off 11/02) in dispute currently, but if it dosn't come off this try I am going to wait until CHOD.
2 3-year-old paid state tax liens which have been verified twice. A stupid $75 paid collection that hopefully a lawsuit will have eliminated before we get to CHOD. DemPooches
Close, it's CHOD, the H is for holiday. People were talking about mailing disputes towards the end of November. The 24th I think! Does anyone have any stories from last year? I wonder what the results were.
Lol, you know you're a creditnetter when you've got "CHOD" marked on your calendar right next to Thanksgiving.
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! lol All my reports are so squeeeky clean you can eat off of em, with the exception of ONE easily handled derog which will be updated soon. I'm just throwing that in because I wanted to tell you all that it's because of CreditNet that my reports are now virtually perfect. Even when you feel discouraged, or like givin up just stick to it. It works. Good luck with CHOD. I'll be here to help if I can.
last year I got almost 20 deletions between me and dh reports! combine that with several immediately after the holidays because of proecedure requests on verified tl's .... Chod was good to me!
Wow, that's so great!! I hope I have good results too. It wouldn't break my heart, though, if I had nothing left to dispute by then! LOL
Ahem ... UD, Are you saying that when you demand a procedures and the CRA doesn't provide the info. they delete? I did NOT know a CRA would delete as a result of a procedures request. Unless they use the PR to launch ANOTHER investigation. Fascinating. ???
I have a procedure request in right now to EXP, and I'm hoping it just gets deleted. I'm not holding my breath, but it's for a paid judgement that has been verified as unpaid, twice. I told them that I want to know who verified it, since it was impossible, and that it should be deleted w/ in so many days. I'm sure it won't be, but I'd thought I'd try. Didn't know what my next move should be though. If UnionDiva had it work, there's the slightest bit of hope it'll work for me too!!
Procedure requests catch the CRAs in their lies... they can't tell you who called or wrote to whom when and verified what if they never called or wrote, so they just delete and hope you'll go away.....
Well ... in my opinion that would be confirmation that they violated the frist time. Wouldn't do anything for me but make me VERY MAD. Notice to CRA's: DO NOT MAKE ME VERY MAD!!!