If something is reported as >Status as of 01/1998: 120 days past due< does that mean the first delinquency was 7/97? Here's how the acct. is reported on TU: CAPITAL 1 BK Acnt#: xxxx Revolving Account >Settled--less than full balance< Credit Card Verified date: 03/2002 Balance: $0 Individual Account Opened: 04/1998 Most Owed: $187 Payment Terms: $0 Closed: 01/1998 Past Due: $0 Credit Limit: $0 >Status as of 01/1998: 120 days past due
Assuming the close date is correct?? Then I would assume the dola would have been 8/97 or maybe 9/97. 120 days back would be 90 days in Dec., 60 in Nov., 30 in Sept. current in 8/97.