Validation WORKS!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by FicoSux, Sep 14, 2002.

  1. FicoSux

    FicoSux Well-Known Member

    I sent a CA a validation notice about a week ago. Today I get a letter in the mail that they are closing my account and instructing all CRA to delete the tradeline. It also appologizes for my inconvience and was signed in ink by the director of operations. Just thought I would share!!! This rocks!
  2. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's really great! Congrats!
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Great work!! Now, to get it off faster, fax that letter to the cra's and they should be removed within a week.
  4. FicoSux

    FicoSux Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tip...
  5. sandie511

    sandie511 Well-Known Member

    Great news and good for you. Can you tell us which letter you used and was this a paid collection and how old. It does give us hope.
  6. FicoSux

    FicoSux Well-Known Member

    I used the standard letter in the samples, it was an unpaid collection that was 7 years old..I think it was removed becuase the CA illegally reaged the account. I did not mention the reaging in my letter.
  7. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    ive got an unpaid collection that is older than 7 years old. I sent validation, they ignored it and updated my credit reports with a higher amount of money.
  8. TedTX

    TedTX Well-Known Member


    Send a complaint to your state AG that they are playing games and have not reply to your letter.

    Also the BBB is good for that too as I've had good luck with both.
  9. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    why did you validate an account that is past sol for reporting. I would dispute immediatley with the cra's as obsolete, past seven years and get the deletions!
  10. FicoSux

    FicoSux Well-Known Member

    uniondiva..I tried that first..they "verified" the account. I took a crack at validation and it worked.
  11. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    i did dispute as obsolete. they in turn updated the amount. the date is off by 2 years at least. the CRA's only report what they are given..they are blind like justice ;p
  12. herauntsis

    herauntsis Well-Known Member

    They can verify it until the cows come home, and so what? It is still obsolete and should be deleted on that basis. I would go after the CRAs and make them delete it.
  13. herauntsis

    herauntsis Well-Known Member

    See Cushman v TU. This case specifically says that when an item is disputed, the CRAs are required to go beyond merely parroting the information they are given. If you need, I can look up the citation and post it.

    Also, the OC is required by the FCRA to report to the CRA the date of the delinquency that led to the collection account. That is the date used to determine the 7 year reporting period. The way I read this, it doesn't matter when the account was actually turned over for collection, the only relevant date is the date of the last delinquency.

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