Equifax Creditwatch $39.95

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Hermit5, Aug 23, 2002.

  1. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Thanks for the replies...did anyone who was NOT in the trial period SUCESSFULLY get a refund (prorated) and re-enroll at $39.95?

    I understand that if someone wasn't charged, this shouldn't be hard...but I'd like to get on the cheaper plan without having to spend lots of time straightening stuff out.
  2. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    dep, how did you cancel.
  3. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Call 1-888-532-0179, 7 days a week between the hours of 8:00am - 12:00 Midnight Eastern Time Zone
  4. Jamee25

    Jamee25 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95


    I did. I was done with the 30 day trial. Already billed the 69.95 on my credit card over a month and a half ago or more, I called and cancelled and said that its not worth it and I didnt need it anymore. Later THAT day, I re-enrolled and it said I couldnt get the free trial since I already had it once, (which I knew) then my cc was billed the 39.95. So my husband then did the same thing.

    A few days later, I got the prorated credit.

    It was worth it, and it didnt take too long. 5-10 minutes?
  5. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    My 30 day was up today, and I got the $39 deal. Yeah. gonna go resign hubby up too!
  6. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Got it for hubby too. Weird thing is it says it's for the 30 day free trial again. I wonder if that's just a mistake? It doesn't say anywhere that we already used our 30 days tho. HMMM!!??!
  7. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    I was thinking the same thing, but the charge showed up right away on my CC. So they are keeping track of on thing correctly, how soon they can get the money from you.
  8. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Yeah, I noticed on the account that it's good thru 9/13/03, so they activated it right away. That's ok though!
  9. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Thank you Jamee25, I'll try this on Monday.
  10. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    bump still alive
  11. erich_610

    erich_610 Active Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Still works....
    Cancelled the trial for 69.95 and then reapply for the 39.95. They charged my credit card for 39.95 right away because i no longer qualifly for the trial. Strange, i asked a person from equifax and they said there is no such thing....
  12. learnmore

    learnmore Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    do you cancel and reapply online or do you have to talk to someone?
  13. learnmore

    learnmore Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    nevermind... I searched further and found the Hermit5 link etc.
  14. erich_610

    erich_610 Active Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    I called and cancelled the trail, they asked me why and i told them that it's too expensive. They asked me if i would be interested in paying 59.95, of cause i told them no. I then asked them, is that the cheapiest that you guys can go, and they replied yes. I said, "that's strange...my buddies got it for 39.95...." They said, "NO WAY"....i said "Okay..." then i hung up. Click on the link to the 39.95 and reapplied....i was charged 39.95 immediately after reapplying...and a happy customer.
  15. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Tip: quit asking Equifax about the $39.95 deal. That's how the $24.95 deal we previously enjoyed went bye-bye.

  16. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    This was alive last week, but today it appears dead. Anyone else have alternatives?

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