First, I got a weak computer printout in response to a val. letter re: my old tuition bill. I'm still trying to find out if there is a SOL on these. I'm in Maine, so mine would be 6 yrs, if there is one. I don't know when the DOLA would be. The bill is 7/2/96, but they added a late fee on 10/23/96. I never paid, so which would be the DOLA?? I don't know what to do w/ it? Should I send the estoppel?? I NEVER attended classes that semester. I signed up, and couldn't afford it. Stupid me, I waited til the last minute to admit it to myself, and then just blew it off. I never withdrew. I honestly figured if I didn't ever show up, they would realize it. I was wrong! This CA is full of jerks too. Next, a CA called about hubbys utility bill. I wrote about it in another post about the UDF I got on Sat. I thought they were deleting his unpaid H2O bill, but it was just a UDF to update the account to mark in dispute. I'm so deflated. My reports were so much easier than his!! I'm wondering, since I sent the estoppel already, and in it I stated that I had them on a violation for not marking in dispute, is it still a violation? Or, since I mentioned it to them, have they successfully covered their a$$es? Am I going to have to sue these people? If so, how can I possibley, when the account is truly his, and unpaid, and the amount is correct? I'm such a chicken! Ok, sorry about this whiney post. I'm just having a bad credit report day, I guess. On the positive side (yes, there is always a good side) I had 2 INQ deleted from EQ today, via bumpage. They both would've come off anyway in the next month, but it's something! LOL
Am I going to have to sue these people? If so, how can I possibley, when the account is truly his, and unpaid, and the amount is correct? I'm such a chicken! ================ These are 2 different matters one has nothing to do with the other.
LB- that was such a helpful post! We need some more details, when did you send hubby's CA the first VAL. letter? When did you send the Estoppel? You said his CA called, did you send any form of C&D or tell them to only contact you by mail? Is yours a student loan or a tuition bill from the school? I'm NOT the best person to answer SL questions, but I've heard you can't get aay from any SL bills.
I sent the first validation letter for hubby on 8/12 (it was signed for it then) I sent the estoppel on 9/11 (they sent their paperwork 2 weeks early, but I waited til the end of the month) No, on theirs there was no sort of C + D. I did it on mine, but I failed to add that line to his. Damn! Mine is a tuition bill. No SL's were available. I know there is no SOL on SL's, but what about tuition? I searched many sites, but haven't found an answer. I think I should send the estoppel, but I want to make sure it's past the SOL. I will feel so much better doing this, after the first ones are done. These are my first validations, and I'm afraid of screwing them up. thank you for your help!!
a tuition bill is just that a bill, like any other. It would be covered by the sol because it is not a student loan ! I do not have case law, but it is obvious that it is not a loan so loan statutes would not cover it. There is no promissary note, no interest charge etc. It would be a bill like any other fee for service bill (dr, chiropractor, atty)
Thank you! I think I will send the estoppel next. I know I'm going to have to pay this bill, I just don't have the $$ right now. I just DO NOT want it to show up on my CR. They way I see it, it should be hitting SOL soon. I think it should have been in July, but to play it safe, I'll wait til October. The CA, of course, told me that there is no SOL on tuition bills. So, I should treat it exactly like any other bill? Estoppel, intent to sue?? They have 2 more weeks until their 30 days up. I think I'll wait until then. thank you. Sorry I'm so nervous about all this! I guess I was kind of hoping all 4 CA's would magically disappear after I sent validation letters. Guess I was dreaming, huh?
Here's hoping for some good credit news today. System crash, all derogs removed? CA's building burns down, all paperwork lost? something to hope for to start the day off! LOL Oh, and one more thing. Since this tuition bill isn't on my cr's, violations are few and far between, but , they did include a collection notice in w/ the school bill. That's a violation. It's the only thing Ive got so far! This one won't be easy, I'm afraid!