Credit Con Artists (9/9/02) ------------------------------------------------------------ FULL STORY: The Federal Trade Commission and 15 state and federal law enforcers last week announced the results of their joint "Operation No-Credit" law enforcement campaign. The campaign netted 43 actions against credit con artists. Among those caught were seven separate enterprises offering consumers VISA and MasterCards, for a one-time advance fee, but never produced the promised credit cards. In one case, consumers paid as much as $499 to receive the credit card, most consumers did not receive the promised credit cards. A few received a "temporary" or "dummy"card with the MasterCard logo and a non-magnetic black stripe on the back. When consumers called to activate the card, the defendants told them for the first time that they had a debit card and not a credit card. The defendants also told consumers that they had to pay an additional fee and deposit money for any purchases made on the account. OPERATION NO-CREDIT DRAGNET (Credit Card Firms Sued by the FTC) FLORIDA - Bay Area Business Council, Inc.; Bay Area Business Council Customer Service Corp.;America Leisure Card Corp. Premier Financial Services International, Inc.; First Financial Debt Consolidation Inc. TEXAS - Brent Shivers dba Credit Card Services; Destyni Enterprises TORONTO - 1st Beneficial Credit Services LLC; First Beneficial Credit Services; First Beneficial Credit Services, Inc.; American Capitol; Platinum Express TENNESSEE - Premier Financial Services of Tennessee, Inc. UTAH - Westcal Equipment, Inc.; Pioneer First; PF Member Services., Inc. NEW YORK - Star Credit Services Inc. NEVADA - Tyme Lock 2000, Inc; United Family Services; USA Membership Services; Total Resources, Inc. For more information visit
They give you a credit card, but it is not a Visa or M/C. You can use it to buy from their catalog. WOW!