What is the most ccards anyone has?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jpreston51, Sep 17, 2002.

  1. jpreston51

    jpreston51 Active Member

    I am just interested to know what the most number of credit cards anyone has. My letter box floods with pre approved cards and I think what would happen if I just accepted them all and never spent money on them. Would my credit go down the shitter or would they love me and send me even more pre approved card offers?

    I am, by American, standards a rich guy. I have no debts, a couple of million dollars in Real Estate tucked safely away in trusts where no Trustee in bankruptcy can get to them and have always paid my debts. I look at all this money being thrown at me that if I wanted to to just grab and run with, they could not touch me.

    Is this "the last great ponzi game in America" as the guy said in "A Civil Action"? What is going on here?

    I am originally from Australia where we stopped sending pre approved cards through the mail 20 years ago.

    Tell me what you think.

  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Do a search. The questions' already been asked. Charlie

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