Calling All Superiors...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jjulez, Sep 16, 2002.

  1. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    Guidance please....Uhh,okay here goes...
    I started my credit clean up quest last month; got all 3 CR's, started with some 'never late' and 'not mine' disputes.The problem lays with TU (how'd you guess), TU was the only CRA to report a 30 day late derog for my mortgage (of course is NOT true & the only TR that I never played with) I, of course I HAD a letter from my mortgage company stating the corretions; 30 day late pymt, to be made to the 3 CRA's and COULD NOT FIND IT FOR THE LIFE OF ME (stupid, I know) so I then disputed the late pymt online with TU on 8/22 because I was not able to produce the letter from the mortgage co. at that time. I received a verification letter today from TU and low and behold...TU says they verified the late pymt. Well, during this period between 8/22-9/16 my mortgage co. had researched and mailed me a copy of that correction letter...whew!
    So my question is WHAT DO I DO NOW? Request a verification procedure letter & build up my case against TU? Send an intent to sue letter along with a copy of the correction letter? My adrealine is raging. What to do, What to do?
  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    What do you think you should do Jjules?

  3. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    Ummm, request a procedure verification request letter?

    Annndd, send a copy of the correction letter from the mortgage company?

    Anndd, only allowing them 15 days to produce this information if not correct the FALSE DAMN TRADELINE or I will file COMPLAINTS with anyone with ears?

  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Just include in your procedures request that you re-assert your dispute. Be semi-nice about it tho because you don't want them to "flag your file as a trouble maker".

  5. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    pssssssst jjulez, I wanna tell you a secret, don't let Butch Dad hear, ok?

    Request the "specific" procedure follwed to verify the information, maintain that it is inaccurate, hold them to the 15 days, but hold on to your mortgage paper until after they respond.

    Sassy (tip-toeing so Dad doesn't hear)
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Sorry I'm gonna have to disagree with Butch here :)

    I know julez wants that mark taken off badly, but you've OBVIOUSLY got EQU in a violation, get them in another. If they had properly done their job in the first place they would KNOW the late pays are bogus. YOU ended up doing their job. I would hold onto that letter for dear life, that is your secret weapon. Don't give in so easy and give them your documents showing they F'd up.

    Ask for the procedures, if they don't give them to you, another violation. Then *I* would dispute the account again. If it remains verified bingo go for their throat.

    I thought we were talking about EQU, sorry.
  7. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    whew...did I pass the POP quiz or what...and if I did, praise is given to my SUPERIORS :)

    I'll do my homework and hopefully get it turned in to the Mr. Meany (TU) tomorrow.

    I'll post my grade when it gets back to me!

    luv ya!
  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Geez, I thought all she needed was the item removed. I mean if that's all she wants just send proof and they'll delete.

    I didn't think she wanted to set up for violation. Oh this really is gonna turn into a saga.

    Maybe we could make a mini-series out of it.


  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    And that is exactly what I would do. It seems lately that everybody is more concerned with being able to find a violation as opposed to just fixing the error. Just remember that if you go the violation route and file lawsuits, your cleanup effort will most likely take much longer to finish than if you just send in the proof and get the mistake fixed.
  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Butch dude, babe, dad (I can't keep track anymore, it's late, LOL).

    Did KHM wake you up? You were snoring, I heard you when I was tip-toeing by the keyboard.

  11. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Thanx LKH,

    I think this thought is VERY important as the CRA's are beginning to "pay us back" bigtime.

    I believe there is a mechanism deep inside the bowels of the CRA's that enables them to label your file.

    Every time you need something done with them in the future they'll type in your number and up pops "smartass troublemaker".

    This may allow them to do all manner of mischievous things like artificially suppress your score, delete good TL's and ignore or fake disputes, manipulate DLA's, etc., etc., etc. The list is endless.

    I can tell you that the IRS has such a system called the "Tax Protestor Log".

    If one has a decent relationship with the CRA's I'd tend to keep it that way if at all possible.

    Since I don't think Jjulez has yet contaminated her relationship with this CRA, I was merely trying to help her protect that for her future.

    Follow the above at your own risk.

    Just a thought.

  12. Bunter

    Bunter Well-Known Member

    My guess is they have too much turnover to maintain such a system. All it would take is one disgruntled ex-employee talking to the media, and wham, you've got a big class action lawsuit, and a CRA with a huge credibility problem.

    Every customer service company that I know of makes notes on their customers who call up, but I've never known them to systematically try to punish the tough customers. Being labled a "difficult" customer can mean that you are not taken seriously, and so get inferior service, but it can also mean that individual reps who see your history are intimidated, and more likely to give in to demands to head off a confrontation.
  13. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    ok, ok, ok. It sounds like I started something...
    hey there's money making involved?And what was is the '1st' violation here? Inaccurate information? And KHM, what are baiting up for the'2nd' with TU?

    Shhh...I hear dad..
  14. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    oh yeah, we ARE talking about EQU (wink,wink) they might be listening..hehehe
  15. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    and if we be very very quite...maybe we can sneak in enough violations to throw us a LUAU....
  16. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    I wasn't concerned with the money making potentials or violation stacking in suggesting you request the specific procedures used for verification.

    Though, they most certainly won't provide the procedures and you'll have an additional violation.

    The process says you dispute and then says what has to happen or what can happen. If you aren't satisfied with a reinvestigation, the options are to add a statement, request the procedures used to verify, and/or request a report based on any changes be sent to those previously having received your report.

    I think it just shows that you followed the process. The perk is that you will likely end up with an additional violation and in the requesting it tightens up the boundary lines of whose responsibility this is.

    It is either the CRA or the mortgage company. Someone isn't playing fair. My guess is the CRA isn't really verifying but you'll also not get them to admit to that.

    Having followed the process and the procedures available to you though, it puts you in a position of knowing and being able to prove that the problem is the CRA.

    Should they not respond with the procedures. You could dispute again, I believe LKH suggested the same above, and provide them the letter from your mortgage company as additional information that they have to consider.

    Because you followed the procedures, they then have no recourse or excuses.

    Should they not then update based on your letter, you have all documentation and paperwork to support a legal claim should you choose to do so.


    I was being sassy to Butch with the shhhhhhhh and tiptoeing. I know there isn't much he likes to read better than sassiness or a well placed SNORT ;-).
  17. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    The reason why I suggested going the other route is because of the problems I am having with TU NOW. I have a letter I received almost a year ago from a creditor, I have sent it to TU (including Don Richmond) at least 4 times yet TU can't get it thru their heads that the letter says DELETE on it.

    I gave TU EVERY opportunity to fix it and they didn't. I just don't want julez think that once they receive the paperwork it's over and done. I didn't keep a lot of important documents because I thought "they can't be THAT stupid".

    Point being KEEP EVERYTHING!!!!!
  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    And I am certainly not saying that lawsuits don't have their place. Once you have followed the suggested steps and they still refuse to do what has been requested by a creditor and/or mandated by law, and you have run out of options, by all means sue them.
    I would send the letter to the cra as well as ask for the procedures. Should they continue to screw around and not allow the letter or some other nonsense, then file away.

    My thinking is it is much quicker and if they follow the rules, easier to do things without suing. There are times of course. I just think too many people are becoming more concerned with getting violations than with correcting their reports, on the hopes of striking it rich. It isn't going to happen in 99% of the cases. If someone can fix an error by faxing a letter, why not do that rather than try to get them on violations?
  19. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    sassy~I too am concerned about making money,
    that was all in fun :)

    KHM~I feel your FRUSTRATION and I'm almost just
    2 months old at this credit cleanning stuff.

    LKH~My thoughts are the same...JUST GET IT RIGHT
    & lets put this damn DEROG to bed. But, if they
    should continue playing GAMES then so shall I.

    Much Mahalo to all for your input and I hope to lay this situation to rest. Of course, any other feedback or input are WELCOMED :)
  20. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    Ok, I faxd TU a procedure request letter and to respond in 15 days, also included in letter if needed I will file complaints and pursue litigation..

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