Wooohoooo! Thanks, Doc! I had eleven hards deleted. Only one (Household) verified. Funny, I *still* haven't received their decline letter and I'm certain its been more than thirty days. Hmmmm... I'm down to 3 inquiries (one I didn't dispute and one I just made plus Household) and my score jumped by 15 points. Thanks again, Doc! L
I'm still TICKED that I got 2 "REMAINS" on the RE-FI I did...it is ILLOGICAL... 3 HARDS in 4 days, and they have NO CODING I CAN SEE...so I called them DUPLICATE/TRIPLICATE...1 of 3 GONE...2 REMAIN... Wife got 2 of 3 GONE...(I guess because shes a GIRL)...one remains...