Does this mean that the collection agency folded. It's just a printout, and it's kind of hard to read. The dates on it are all screwed up, it seems. The date open it 11/00, and the date closed is 1/00. Under present status it looks like the date says 010180. I disputed w/ the CRAs, and they have a couple of weeks left. I'll see if it comes off then. Hoping it will. That will mean 3 CA's down, 3 to go on hubbys reports
Good Job Tracy, YES - It means the CA folded. The fact that it's hard to read is technically irrelevant because the intent to clear the account is obvious. Lets hope you don't need it for the CRA as they may want to see a clearer copy. Is the date the UDF was done legible? Fingers crossed.
Ok Butch, I need some help. I have an update. The CA just called and discussed this account w/ me (it's hubbies account, is it ok for them to talk to me?) anyway, she told me that the UDF was to show to the CRA's that the item is in dispute (this was in response to my estoppel, stating that I had them on that violation) and that she is sending me in the mail copies of bills, or whatever. Ok, I'll have to see what they have to prove validation. Also, since this is after the 30 days, and in response to my estoppel, is it still a violation that they never marked it in dispute before? I'm confused as to what my next step is. This is an unpaid bill, and it's correct. Thoughts?
Well tracy ... perhaps I made an inappropriate assumption. I was unaware that a UDF was used to label an account as in dispute. Perhaps those who've been through that one can reply. It's starting to look like the illegibity on the UDF was purposefull. As hard as it is to be "in limbo" that's about where you are right now until the completion of this dispute and pending the receipt of their valiant, but probably incomplete, validation. Think you can "bite the bullet" for a cpl more weeks to see how this pans out? Sorry I missed this thread earlier. My email program is not working right. Looks like I'll have to reformat my ENTIRE hd. Oh and yes they can discuss the acct. with you as long as they confirmed you're the spouse. I know one guerilla tactician whom, when contacted by the CA freely discussed the acct with the CSR. Trouble is they failed to verify that they were married. He then turned around and proclaimed they in fact were not married and asserted a ficticious violation, which he then used to compel deletion. Geez, tricky huh? lol
Thanks Butch. Yeah, I can wait. They are sending paperwork over too, for "validation" We'll see what they have. I can walk to this CA they are so close, so it shouldn't take too long. That's why I want to be careful, because they are in the same zip code. Sueing would be no biggie, because we could share a cab to the courthouse! LOL All this for a $70 bill. After the dispute is over, and I get the paperwork from them (assuming it's not validation) what would my next step be? settlement letter?? The one thing that I'm not sure of is the UDF. Ok, They never marked the account as in dispute during the entire validation. I have proof now that they did it AFTER. BUT, since they did it at all, is it still a violation, or would a judge say at least it was done? I know that often they blame it on the CRA, saying they did it but it took weeks for the CRA to update. At least they can't pull that crap w/ me! I want it to still be a violation though! LOL Thank you so much for your help. This whole validation process freaks me out a little. Give me the writing letters, and disputes over this any day. I'm a control freak, and I have no control in this situation! LOL TIA (hope you get your hard drive fixed. Hubby just killed our whole system, to start all over. He does that often, what a PITA! The problem w/ living w/ a techie!)
Butch, a little bump to see if you can answer my violation ?? Is it still a violation that they didn't mark the account in dispute during validation, if they do it now that the first 30 days are over, and they've already received the estoppel?? TIA I'm reaching here!
A UDF can be used for any type of change or no change at all. This is the form they return either by hard copy or electronically when they report, update, delete or in some other way change the tradeline. You might notice a little box they can check that says "No change" as well. Unfortunately it doesn't always mean deletion L