I just wanted to see if anyone has had any success with Bally's and Genesis Financial CA. I have a charge off from them, and they reported it to Genesis Fianancial. I wrote them a letter telling them that i will pay 80% of this if they are willing to change my account to "pays as agreed, with no lates" Do you think they will go for this? I mean this is not a loss for the company since it was a membership plan, and not a loan. its actually profit for them. Also why are there 2 seperate entrys on my report, one from bally's stating that it was a charge off, and one from genesis the CA, showing as a collection account. This is for the same account, are they allowed to do this? Thanks for the help, and advice
My opinion is don't pay Genesis CRAP! I have helped 2 friends get theirs deleted and one more has just sent an estoppel. Is it the one in Harker Heights or the one in the NW? They will cave in, and the 80% you offered to pay you can spend on something else. Charlie
The one in Harker Hieghts. If you didn't pay to settle how did you get it off? please i would love to know, i really don't want to pay those jerks anything. Also what is an estoppel? Thanks
Do some reading. Read the FAQ section and the letter section. Read, read, and read some more. Do a search of Genesis. Bottomline, do not pay the idiots. Charlie
Bally's suck!!! I just got my reply from the Goodwill Letter I sent them recently regarding a couple 30-day lates I had back in 1999 and they said due to federal laws, they are unable to report inaccurate info to the CRA's. What kind of BS is that? Since 1999, my account has been current and never any additional lates since that time. I hate them.
Find a different club, and let Bally's go to collections THEN YOU recite federal law to them!! Charlie