CSC is making things worse!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jambe, Sep 18, 2002.

  1. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member


    After disputing two accounts and having them verify, I ended up filing a complaint with the BBB over their failure to provide the procedures. CSC sent Houston BBB a copy of my report(!), and said that things were resolved. I told Houston BBB that things were NOT resolved, and that I would be happy if CSC sent the procedures as requested, or deleted one of the two items. (I was very careful to explain that the creditor had finally corrected the errors on the other one and to leave it alone.)

    Well, let CSC Legal touch it and things get screwed up worse. They deleted BOTH accounts, removing seven years from my credit history, and tanking my score by 20 points!

    Why can't they follow simple directions? Why?!?

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Sorry Jambe,

    I'm having problems too with an EQ affiliate, CBC.

    Just as surely as you can sue the CRA for including incorrect info. you can also sue for their deleting positive info.

    I haven't seen any cases on it but it logically follows. There are damages.

    Keep us posted.
  3. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Yes, I am sure it's a possiblity. Why, oh why, must they force people to go through so much trouble just to get things corrected?

    Sometimes it just seems like it's not worth it.

    Thanks for the encouragement. When I get frustrated I tend to rant a bit, but otherwise just keep on plugging away...
  4. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    Butch, you're brilliant. ;-)

    I never thought of this before.

    Jambe, sorry about what happened to you.

    Please do keep us posted.
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Thanx Manequinne,

    But I don't know anything this board didn't teach me.

  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I don't see how you could have any cause of action for them deleting correct information. There is no requirement that companies have to report anything, and no where I've read states that a credit bureau *has* to report anything...just that if they do report something, it has to be complete and accurate.

    That being said...*WHY* would they send the BBB a copy of your credit report??? That is what would have me hopping mad and I'd be down at the federal courthouse making my point. They are not allowed to just release your credit report like that. I'm going to back and re-read this post, because surely I misunderstood this part. CSC could not be so stupid.

  7. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    No, you read it right. I even started a thread about that last week or something. To be 100% sure, I asked the woman at the Houston BBB and sure enough, they have a copy on file.

    Damn right I'm mad, but haven't had time to deal with it yet. I am really thinking I should file in state associate cirtuit court, because it will only cost me $32 plus $26 to serve each defendant. I have no idea what it would cost in federal court, but they will likely have it removed anyway, and THEY can foot the bill for that.

    I have looked over your complaints and the answer from Experian, even used a bit of that in my current legal troubles, but I am still not sure I'm ready to go file. I would much rather these yahoos just did what they are supposed to do!


    Not likely though, eh?

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