is this legal ?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by edoggie, Sep 21, 2002.

  1. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    I pulled my report and noticed Sallie Mae reporting the SAME loans under a different creditor name and account number. This is really a double whammy since these were derogatory at one time.

    Are there legal remedies under the FCRA for duplicate entries ? Sometimes collection agencies do the same thing.

    The two credito names were LSCF/3RDPRTY and LOAN SVCE CT. These are both Sallie Mae loans with idetical dates and balances just different account numbers and creditor names.

    I'm sure others might be going through the same thing and don't know it. I'm all ears ... Thanks
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    The OC can report it and so can a collection agency. The first one seems like a third party collector, so I think they are okay in reporting like this, unfortunately :(


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