I just got a copy of Hubbys EQ in the mail. It is dated 9/18. ALL of what is shown as "bumped" online is on his actual report!
Interesting... disappointing... and still useful. If the online version isn't complete and accurate... it doesn't comply with the FCRA.. Not full consumer disclosure
Of course everything is on the mailed version. Remember, the FCRA says they must keep a record of any and all inquiries that must be disclosed to the consumer. I can without hesitation tell you that the inquiries that are "bumped" do not show up on creditors reports. When I bought my car and this week when I got preapproved for my mortgage, the bumped inquiries were no where to be seen.
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! That makes no sense to me (but then again it's early Sunday morning, lol). When Equifax has deleted inquiries for me in the past, they have remained deleted from both mailed and online versions. (I successfully disputed inquiries through Choicedata, a local Equifax affiliate, as well as via my lawsuit -- in both situations, the removed inquiries didn't reappear in any medium.) Doc
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! The law states that the cra's must keep an accurate accounting of all inquiries to be disclosed to the consumer. It doesn't need to reveal them to anyboday but the consumer. I should have prefaced my statement by saying it makes sense, rather than "of course everything is on the mailed version" as I haven't received a mailed copy in months. But again, It does make sense (drink some coffee Doc), as they must keep a record to disclose to the consumer.(only) Another difference may be that you disputed inquiries as if they never happened. Bumpage isn't removing them because they never happened, they are removing them to keep the online reports small enough so that we can pull them online. But they must keep a record of all those bumped inquiries. This of course is all speculation but to me, it makes sense.
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! I just received a copy of my "mailed" reports and it is identical to the online version. My report is handled through CSC.
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! Well then, let me rephrase my comments to "who knows what they are doing". Have you had any inquiries deleted through "bumpage"?
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! Same here. My report is handled by Equifax and not one of their affiliates.
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! make sure the dates coincide. The bumpage date and the report date my not tbe the same. MEaning if they bumped on the 20th, than the report mailed on the 19th will not show them.
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! Could you tell me how to get the report online from CSC. I have tried but they say it is not available online. EQ is the only one I have a problem with, I disputed with the Houston office in Feb. Did not receive until 6/15. They had removed one account that was not mine. But they put the same account information with a different account #.I disputed again that day, still have heard nothing. Do you have any contacts at CSC? Thanks
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! Now I can identify with that sentiment, lol -- been there, felt that. Doc
Re: Bumpage...not On Mailed Report! I have not had bumpage since 9/10. The only inquiries I have on my online reports are very recent (mortgage pulls). I am not imagining that they are all there...On my mailed report it shows 6 HARD inquiries. All of which were removed via bumpage. I will try and get a hold of my mortgage guy and ask him to send me a copy of the reports that he has. He has been really cool so far.