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Indiana mother...

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by KHM, Sep 20, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Seriously WTF is wrong with this woman?? And her sister??? She REFUSED to give info as to the where abouts of her endearing sister?!?!?!

    Oh and the news here keeps saying "IF shes convicted" IF???? Ok maybe if the jury is filled with BLIND people, she MIGHT get off.

    I'm sorry, people like this make me ill. I'm a mother and I couldn't imagine treating a child, let alone my own, like that.

    She's from Texas I say cook the b!tch!
  2. lena

    lena Well-Known Member

    I was watching the Fox news channel, and they were interviewing one of the cops involved with the case. He stated that this tape is ONE WEEK OLD. He stated that first they needed to have the tape reviewed by medical experts to determine if the child could have suffered any injuries. I don't think it takes an expert to see that she was probably hurt. Hopefully they will find her and her mother soon.
  3. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    That is disgusting what happened.

    The irony in this also is the the mom's last name.

  4. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    I read in the paper this morning that the mother lashed out at the little girl because the store wouldn't refund her money for something! How disgusting. She should have turned herself in to get help for her obvious anger control issues. By hiding out like a coward it just shows she doesn't even care about what she did to her child. I've love to find that woman and take my anger out on her...then she'd know what it feels like.
  5. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    This is the reason that I have never spanked my kids (see post below about spanking). I think that parents sometimes get out of hand and spank because THEY are upset. For some reason it seems to make them feel better, I don't see how...

    Spanking, if used correctly should be used as punishment for a child (although I am still not sure that I believe in that either). However, this lady sickens me. I would like her get beat like she beat that poor little girl, by someone twice her size (or more) and have her say that is not monster like behavior.
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    What she did wasn't spanking, it was beating. Her "news conference" made me sick. Now they are saying she was mad cause the store had to have her paged twice for the daughter running off. UH HELLO, she was 4, who was supposed to be watching her???
  7. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    And the fact that this woman said she "didn't punch her daughter...she smacked her and pulled her hair". Oh ok. Like it makes a DIFFERENCE! What the f**k is wrong with this lady???? She also said that the video portrays her as a "monster"...I guess she realized that video doesn't lie. I don't care how bad a day someone is having, it's no excuse to take it out on an innocent, defenseless child.
  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    I should check this board more often, I've been missing all sorts of good stuff!

    I have to agree with KHM, cook the bitch!

    I don't know, I've seen that video more times than I can count, she doesn't stop whaling on that sweet lil thing long enough to do something passive like pull her hair (passive for a monster, self-described, that is) -- what a crock.

    The end of that video definately looks like punching to me. Not slapping, not smacking, not pulling hair, punching, with a fist, like a punching bag, straight on!

    I know we're all innocent until proven guilty but I'm hard pressed to see how she's going to get around that video. Trying to turn punching into hair pulling because she didn't get her money back for a pair of jeans isn't going to get it done.

    Says me, and only me.

  9. Bunter

    Bunter Well-Known Member

    I originally had some sympathy for the woman, until I did some research into the "Irish Traveler" group she's a part of. She was at that store to rip it off, and it's quite possible she was beating on her kid to punish her for not doing a good job on some kind of con. The kid would be better off being permanently taken away from her.
  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    Identity of girl in beating case is questioned

    The article in a nutshell says there have been media reports that the girl turned over for the medical exam isn't the same as the girl in the video.

    The only thing I noticed was the woman in the video is a blonde, the woman being interviewed is a brunette -- thought maybe it was the lighting or something.

  11. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    News reports said the mother changed her hair color to hide from authorities. That explains why she is now brunette.

    That is interesting about the little girl. I wondered how it was that she would not show signs of abuse after the beating she got.

    Some people should never have kids
  12. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    This woman is definately a monster. I could not imagine treating my children this way...or anyone else's for that matter.

    I wish I could have been there when she started beating her daughter.

    I would have promptly kicked her ass all over that parking lot. What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

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