We are always trying to pick what FICO will do with a deletion or addition. The Banger family as most of you know is going to have a major addition, which will push our family fico over the holy grail. So here we go, everyone has to post when the baby will come. You can only post once and no editing. Your guess is your guess. Tiff was due yesterday the 21st, the Doctor said we are having a girl. (What say the board to Chloe) At this time Tiff is feeling just fine and we have no labor pains or anything. The baby is kicking on its regular schedule which is all the time. So for all the RNGing on this board, we can GWBCing. Which is Guess When Baby's Coming.
My first baby was 2 wks late. My water broke the morning they were going to induce. 2nd baby 2 days early. 3rd baby they induced 3 weekse early b/c he was already 10 lbs. Usually though people say first was late. (not always though)
I am so sorry that I never congratulated you on the baby. (SORRY). Congratulations!! Tuesday (Sep 24) at 6:23 AM is when little Chloe will arrive. (I'm psychic) NOT!!! LOL. If I were psychic, I would have known my credit was gonna go bad ;-) But seriously, whenever she comes, Congratulations!!!!!
I'm going to say, Sept. 29th (I know 2 people already w/ that birthday!) Chloe is the name my husband picked out if our son were to be a girl!
October 1, is my guess...... because waiting for a baby is kinda like waiting for credit expert to update your score..... you keep waiting and checking and as soon as stop... well...anyway Chloe is a beautiful name.... Congratulations..... now go rub Tiff's feet (LOL)
First off.....Congrats to you both.....!!!!!! Tell you wife I'm sending her Good Luck VIBES........ I was in her shoes five months ago....lol! I say the baby will be her Sept 27 and 4am Good Luck....
kbanger, Does Mrs. Kbanger have that popping look about her yet? (answer VERY carefully if she's reading along, lol). Ya know, where it looks like if you poked her she would burst? I should post for tonight since the moon is still full, otherwise I'm holding out for the gonna pop look ;-). Sassy
Tell her to take some castor oil this morning and baby will arrive by tomorrow morning Some unpleasant side effects, but it works *if* the baby is ready to come. L