AT&T Wireless....Info needed

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shport, Sep 23, 2002.

  1. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    Can each of you subscribers please tell me from which CRA they pull? Can you also tell me what state you are in?

    Also, what was your score and was a deposit required?

    Need to activate this phone but I don't want to pay a deposit if necessary and blow an inquiry.
  2. Desdemona

    Desdemona Well-Known Member

    Applied on-line: 5/19/02
    Pulled: Equifax
    Score 666
    State: Michigan (go blue, go wings)
    Got phone in mail on: 5/20/2002

    Great so far.. no problems...
  3. Bunter

    Bunter Well-Known Member

    They pulled EFX for me in Arizona. My score at the time was around 580, but I only had one thing on my reports, and that was defaulted student loans. The customer service has been fine, but I get dropped all the time when I'm at home, and they have been completely unable to fix this issue. :-/
  4. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    State: FL
    CRA: Equifax
    FICO: 700+
    No Deposit
  5. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    The reason I ask is that I tried AT&T with 592 on EQ and was denied. I have a BK and I'm not sure if that's an absolute turn-down. This is in CO.
  6. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Applied Aug 10th - They pulled TU- 600, no derogs, wanted $200 deposit. I tried to talk them out of it, but they wouldn't budge. Oh, I'm in PA.
  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I applied in August, they pulled EQ, had a 723 at the time, no deposit, got 2 free phones.

    (wish I still had a 723!!)

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