Can each of you subscribers please tell me from which CRA they pull? Can you also tell me what state you are in? Also, what was your score and was a deposit required? Need to activate this phone but I don't want to pay a deposit if necessary and blow an inquiry.
Applied on-line: 5/19/02 Pulled: Equifax Score 666 State: Michigan (go blue, go wings) Got phone in mail on: 5/20/2002 Great so far.. no problems...
They pulled EFX for me in Arizona. My score at the time was around 580, but I only had one thing on my reports, and that was defaulted student loans. The customer service has been fine, but I get dropped all the time when I'm at home, and they have been completely unable to fix this issue. :-/
The reason I ask is that I tried AT&T with 592 on EQ and was denied. I have a BK and I'm not sure if that's an absolute turn-down. This is in CO.
Applied Aug 10th - They pulled TU- 600, no derogs, wanted $200 deposit. I tried to talk them out of it, but they wouldn't budge. Oh, I'm in PA. Anna
I applied in August, they pulled EQ, had a 723 at the time, no deposit, got 2 free phones. (wish I still had a 723!!)