New File...Credit Enhancement

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KG, Sep 25, 2002.

  1. KG

    KG Active Member

    If the piggy-back approach is legal even though the credit teck. is not your own, do you know of other means of enhancements? I use to be in real estate and often came across these issues. I would be willing to check out different sites and see concerning business credit and corporate credit enhancements also. Please only positive advise or please quote why something is illegal rather than just stating so....IF YOU CANT SAY SOMETHING HELPFUL THIS TIME.....STAY OUT MY BUSINESS.....
    Thank you so much in advance. (I am so sorry for the caps if this doesn't apply to you!)
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    look Kg,

    peeople gave you links and advice on your other thread. If you search here under " new credit file" you will find a bunch of information. believe me when i say, if it was easy and legal. we would all be doing it, instead of disputing. validating and filing lawsuits.

    check out the ftc website . for information on the NEW CREDIT File

    being an authorized user on someone elses card is not illegal, but you should make sure that their payment record is spotless and that their utilization is low, or you will not get the benefits, it could actually hurt your scores.

    DISPUTER Well-Known Member

    I was one of the people you were talking to in all caps. I feel I was telling you something VERY USEFUL. Like keeping you out of jail. Using a EIN in place of you social is very illegal. We all help each other here, so when you post something you can better bet you will get a reply.
  4. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    KG, this is a public board, you post something and someone may, may not or will respond. All they will give you is advice. It is your decesion to take it or leave it, however you cannot be upset with someone giving you advice, whether wanted or unwanted on a public board. It is almost like an oxymoron.

    And please do not think I am calling you names, anyone on this board will tell you I refrain from such actions..

    Alas, all I am saying is that this board is filled with intelligent people (Sassyinaz, pyschdoc, lkh, marie, uniondiva, george, whysers) and about 250 more individuals who can show you how to do what you want to do without any true future detrement to you. This board about fixing problems, not helping people create new ones.

    Remember, this is a public board, if you do not want my advice or anyone elses, stick to your book. For it has all the answers you need.

    P.S. I couldn't forget my IM dogs Thickman and Voodochild. Thanks for all the info, appreciate it all.

    And if I forgot someone like sal826, cibomatto, jambe, markla, eric2002 and Kiyi (sorry) I will shout you out on the next soliquoy.

    So go (hope thats right)

  5. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    This person has been given good advice, if they want to pursue illegal tactics to ENHANCE their credit, let him. Maybe he can study from the prison library.
  6. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    LOL, JRJR35
  7. herauntsis

    herauntsis Well-Known Member

    Excuse me, but if you want people to STAY OUT OF your business, perhaps you shouldn't post it on on a public site where it is available for thousands of people to GET INTO.

    Can't you see that these people here are trying to help you stay out of jail so that you can continue to be with your sons?
  8. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    So the 250 others are not up to par in the intelligence department, I guess? :þ

    (I am joking, I actually read your whole post :eek:)
  9. dimples1

    dimples1 Well-Known Member

    Read, Read, Read for yourself....Its called "'File Segregation"

    And as far as..
    The caps does apply to use all because you are asking all of us a question.....I think we all have been helpful, I think you need to read some of the helpful links given to you in your previous posting. It is up to you to read, we can supply, but not hold your hand.....

    One day the world will be filled with more positive, nicer people........
  10. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Hey A$$hole, you've made it EVERYBODY'S business here by posting and asking for advice. If you don't want it, or don't like it because it isn't what you want to hear...THEN GO AWAY.

    Personally, I do believe you are just a troll.

  11. KG

    KG Active Member

    Thank you so far for your advice! Do you know of any source that is willing to somehow sell an account after becoming joint....U no "the piggy-back method"? I am going to keep looking until I find something. I have a lot of step kids too...almost all of them are teen...age......

    thanx in advance
  12. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Say what? Can you elaborate on the piggy-back strategy? I really didn't understand you.
  13. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    The Piggy-back method he describes in his other thread would be getting added as an AU on his sisters account.


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