Bill Bauer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by smogtek, Sep 26, 2002.

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    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    We will take it under advisement.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    It is TOO BAD he had a fire...but it was ADVERTISING his business why he was here and other web sites, a FEW have STOPPED offering services because of his refusal to STOP the advertising.

    Many times he gave the "IMPRESSION" that it was "HIS WAY or THE HIGHWAY"...
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I say this what seems like 50 times a year. EVERYONE has their own opinion. Mine is that Bill's insurance should surely compensate for the items that were stolen from his house, along with the fire damage.
  4. Saar

    Saar Banned

    One is a slime, the other - a Saint (Laurent).

  5. iamsamiam

    iamsamiam Well-Known Member

    Who said that? Certainly not me.

    Just because he may or may not have had insurance does not mean that he couldn't use a little help. The last I knew it could take at least a month before insurance paid for the loss.
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    How about at least a bit of empathy and understanding during a tragic moment?

  7. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    I do not wish to cast doubts on anyone, HOWEVER,a quick search of the Ok.newspapers brought up NOTHING about Bill Bauer or any fire and subsequent thefts.

    Perhaps the originator of this thread would care to post the source of his information?
  8. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    My mom has always said that if you don't have anything nice to say, just be quiet.

    Every post that is done does not require that you respond. If you don't want to contribute, then keep it moving but regardless of how Bill advertised or didn't advertise or what he did on CN, he's still a human being.

    Its not about being decent or not...its about being considerate.
  9. smogtek

    smogtek Well-Known Member

  10. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I really think it's in bad taste. I'm not making a judgement about anyone's post, but if you don't have something nice to say, maybe you should not comment.
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    It is NOT nice to tell anybody they have the WRONG opinion, it is their opinion...

    Just express YOUR opinion (OR NOT) and move on...
  12. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I do not get why people are getting so upset here? I saw the post on the Creditwrench site. I also noticed that this was this persons first and only post. While I DO honestly feel bad that this has happened to Bill I do not think that it belongs on the board and am not sure why the thread is still here.

    I have given to someone I felt was in need on this board, not money, but a toy for a members child that I thought may make her feel better. I will personally email Bill and tell him that I am sorry that this has happened to him, however I am not in the position to help him financially at the moment.

    I think that if Bill wanted help or needed help he needs to ask. There was no mention on his site what his insurance company was doing or how this new poster texan found out that Bill had a fire. Either way people should not be called names because of the fact that they do not have the desire to help Bill because of things that he is done in the past. To some here, Bill is like Bobby. Would you open your wallet to Bobby? Either way, Bill has done nothing to me but I have seen the disruption that he has caused, that obviously still happens today.

    Either way what GEORGE said.
  13. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    who is bobby?
  14. tedfran

    tedfran Well-Known Member

    I just emailed him ,and he said he deson't have insurance to cover this loss. Why, i don't have a clue.
  15. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I just went back and reread his thread. I am surprised that the fire department would use water to put out an electrical fire. And I take back my other post. Texan has posted in 2 threads. One about getting paypal and suggesting to a member over there that they could send money to Bill for pop ups and the one about Bills fire.
  16. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the link to another message board,however, I was thinking more in terms of some local newspaper squib that would verify the information.

    I have sent $$ to others on this board, and might consider helping someone out, but not before I am SURE it isn't just a self serving fake plant.

    I must admit that I have a very suspicious mind about postings of this type,sort of like the "Nigerian spam mail"
  17. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Hey, Bill is good at copying documents and putting them on the computer. He has got 5.00 from me if he would like to post a copy of the police report on his site. That is the least I can do considering I DID sent 1.00 to Karyn :)
  18. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    I do agree with the posters who want to see some credible documentation before contributing a soo to BB. I also agree that BBs confrontational manner has made him the controversy he always is. I also know that he is obsessed and compelled to be online no matter what his personal situation is...even if he has to go to Kinkos and pay by the hour.

    So BB if you are reading this I would advise you to address your fans and foes...suffering a material loss is an uncomfortable life event. It can be very humbling to ask for help...but I have found in my life that humility is the protein to building a strong character.

    As many others here I am also on a tight budget but a $5 donation would just mean I forego some luxury that I can live without. If BB really needs the help it is the least I can do for a fellow human being. If he doesn't need the help than he ultimately will be the loser because god blesses the generous of heart...blessed is he who gives. Of the three great virtues hope, faith and charity,,,charity is the greatest of these. So giving to others is an empowerment to the giver that can never be taken away.

    Please don't take any offense if you have a superior being other than mine as I respect every person's spirituality and religious denominations.

  19. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    Water is used on almost all structural fires. Electricity may be the original source of the fire, but once the structure becomes involved then the most common method of suppression is water (with a small amount of foaming agent) However all utilities are turned off to the structure before the fire is attacked for safety.

    Okay nobody asked but I thought I would add my $.02
  20. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    So would you like me to start a "Bash Bill" thread for you doc? Sounds like a request..
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