OK. I wrote a complaint using the Son of A Nutcase letter. Tell me what you all think before I hit send to the BBB. As a brief summary I state the following: The ********** has failed to send me legally required validation of the debts they have listed on my credit reports. They have been notified that their actions are detrimental to me and their company has violated (including but not limited to) the Consumer Credit Protection Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The********* knew that they were and are reporting inacurate information on my credit report and are refusing to correct my files. They have failed to use reasonable care in the course of business and failed to use even minimal procedures to ensure that I was not harmed. They are reporting two accounts incorrectly including a paid collection to ******* and a paid collection to *****. The original creditor ****** has requested that they remove the listing from my credit report it was reported to the collection agency in error. Instead, ****** has changed this from an unpaid collection to a paid collection. The other account listed through******** is not my account. They refuse to remove this item from my credit report as well and have told my wife they have no documentation to prove this account is mine, but they will not remove it. In short, they communicate incorrect and defamatory information to third parties including but not limited to, Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. As a result of these blatantly reckless, wanton, and intentional acts, I have suffered and continue to suffer general and specific damages. I am very upset of ******** intentional infliction of emotional distress, other diminishments of the quality of my life and refusal to follow the law.
If this was my situation, assuming I have a letter from the oc stating this was sent to the ca in error and requesting the ca to remove it, I wouldn't screw around with the BBB or anybody else for that matter. With that type of proof, I'd be at the courthouse filing a lawsuit. Why give them more chances?
LKH, To be honest this whole lawsuit thing is VERY frustrating to me. I am going through it right now with my x-landlord. I do not have the extra money to file another at the moment. I was SUPPOSED to be in court (in another state) on the 26th. My landlord was served on the 11th of Sept and asked for a continuance on the 22nd and the magistrate GRANTED it to that jerk. He stated that he had a business trip. I got the letter in the mail the morning before I was supposed to fly out. I personally cannot believe that he would let him do it considering my travel needs. As of this second I have 419.00 invested into my suit.
Re: Son of a nutcase gone BBB Who oversees ca's in your state? Is it the Secretary of State? If so, I think that is who needs to get your complaint. Maybe also get your state atty general involved.
Re: Son of a nutcase gone BBB LKH, I am not quite sure about that. I will do a search and try and find out. I did contact my congressman and they said that they would look into what they can do for me as well. I just sent my release of info to them this evening. Thanks for your help LKH, as always I appreciate it.
Re: Son of a nutcase gone BBB I'm a little lost but if you have a letter saying the items would be deleted from your credit report, why did you not forward it to the CRA's.
Re: Son of a nutcase gone BBB Could you give a timeline of the events (even just from memory)? ie, June - Denied for credit July: Obtained credit reports August: Wrote letter to CA etc.