New File...Paid $200 4book!!!?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KG, Sep 24, 2002.

  1. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    I have to admit that when my children were growing up I wanted to give them all the material things I could...I was a single working mother who climbed the career ladder working lots of hours a week and bringing work home with me on the weekends.

    Now my children are 25 & 26 and do you know what they wanted more than all those "things"...they wanted more hours with their mother. I am trying to make up for this now and I spend time and money to visit them and have them visit me...and when we're together my time and attention is devoted to them. I only wish I had known that back certainly would have impacted my career and advancements negatively but it would have enhanced positively two of my greatest daughters.

    As for file segregation...I don't need to add redundantly what has already been said. It is definitely illegal if used to defraud potential creditors. EINs have specific purposes such as for businesses and estates...these purposes are clearly defined by the IRS. While all of us here have a common goal which is to repair and improve our credit...the majority of CNers balk at out and out illegalities. If you haven't noticed this by now then I can suggest other more worthy books to spend your money on.

    We like newbies here and everyone helps each other...please feel welcommed to our group despite the faltering beginning. I am holding out my hand to you...please continue to ask and to answer when you can. Welcome.

  2. KG

    KG Active Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    Hi clc,
    that was beautyful.....I really understand your point...I on the other hand I am a father and was there at one time and then I was gone....these boys are 5'10" to 6'5" and like to get angry and remind me of how they are not impressed with my time spent like I am but want some of the things that their step dad felt were unecessary for them those
    other boys would actually start fights with them while on the court when not wearing $80-120 shoes....there are 3 of them and I clearly saw it would be very difficult to back down to the level of insulting and evil speech for any one even an adult....after the fights some of the guys (bangers) would threaten to bring back a gun.....but sweetheart thank you so much for your concern (and post)......I do real estate loans and just got back into the business, it's like feast or famine they say. kev
  3. KG

    KG Active Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    (866) 233-6368
  4. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    Interesting, i searched for the website and i couldn't find it. you wouldn't happened to have it, Kev?

  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    Here's another little tip. If your kids are begging you for a lot of stuff, you may create yet another problem by going into debt for it all. Frankly, you don't need credit. You need more real income. Of course, while thinking "I need more money that belongs to me" rather than "I need to borrow money from somebody I'll have to pay back" may be more sensible, that in itself obviously solves nothing because you're still wanting/needing more than you can afford. Rather than figure out ways to go into debt, I would work on these things:

    1) devising a written budget ... or ... tighter budgeting
    2) selling older "stuff" at a garage sale or on eBay
    3) teaching your kids through example to delay gratification
    4) letting your kids help you and your wife devise a budget (again, teaching through example)
    5) being open to creative income opportunities -- turning a hobby into a business, etc.
    6) getting a second job if possible
    7) etc. ... more examples you'll surely think up

  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    P.S. There's nothing wrong with using perfectly legal tactics to clean up your credit, by the way. I've done that myself, and so have many others on this board. The operant phrase here is "perfectly legal tactics." On this board, we study the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA), the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), and a bit of psychology and letter-writing tactics, and even a smattering of pro bono law -- and some of us have even filed successful lawsuits with the help of others here. All of these are legal methods. On the other hand, no matter what you're hearing, the use of an Employee Identification Number (EIN) to establish new credit and a new file is definitely, unquestionably, and irrevocably ILLEGAL. Most all of us in the Creditnet community are familiar with the full details of how to engage the "file segregation" tactics you are using; we simply choose not to go that route. Because you have paid $200+ for that advice, and because you have found those who are convinced it is legal, you are risking your own welfare. Even worse, though, you are risking your family's well-being. Imagine how your wife's and sons's financial picture will change if you are saddled with big legal fees, big fines, and even a possible jail sentence and the time away from work that would engender. Even worse, what kind of "teaching by example" will you impart to your sons? Are you so convinced that file segregation is legal that you are willing to risk all of these things? Are you so convinced that you are unwilling to listen to others who are also informed about these methods? Please be careful, if not for yourself, for your family. Take some time to learn about FDCPA validation and scores of other methods we describe here. Read the FAQ. As a group, we're definitely interested in helping you achieve perfect credit.

  7. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    Another thing that I did when my teens wanted that expensive stuff was ask them how bad did they want it... did they want it bad enought to wash some cars, mow some grass, etc. You would be suprised how their definitions of "must Have" changes when they have earned some of the money themselves. For instance, my price limit on tennis shoes is $80 anything over that, they must bring the cash to the table!

    Believe me, I live near Chicago and yeah sometimes kids talk trash and act it out.... but a lot of it will depend on your kids and how they handle themselves before during and after these things......
  8. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    You have received advice from some of the most respected and admired members of creditnet. Their advice has been given in a very caring way. So spend some time here reading old posts using the search engine and you will get better and more accurate advice and suggestions than all the books on credit repair you cna buy anywhere. Furthermore the methods suggested here have been tried and many have produced big successes.

    We welcome everyone here who wants to be involved and who when they no longer need advice will be willing to stay to help others. Whilst I don't know you personally I have a visceral feeling that you are definitely a great candidate to become an involved member here. So once again welcome to CN (I'm being somewhat presumptious here as I am not much beyond a newbie) and I look forward to either helping you or reading any advice you might have for others.

  9. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    I personally have taken great pride in correcting my and my husband's credit. From a practical point of view, there are as many problems with not having any credit as with having bad credit. At least with bad credit, there is a possibility of turning it into good credit. I think it is too much work to try and use an EIN for getting new credit because you still have to build it up. You can do that with your own credit. Yes, it takes work but we all didn't get into our bad situations overnight so it will take some time to straighten it out. But one day, you will have to deal with your credit so why not use the wonderful advice, experiences, and community here to do that?

    I know it's hard to hear advice that totally goes against what you were hoping for but it is given in good faith and with legal basis.

    Ok, please don't take this the wrong way. I am not trying to take a morality trip but I have problems with how you describe your kids attitudes towards material things. Are they really that materialistic? It may be time to give them a reality check. Material does not equal love. Now I know what struggling means and even if I had Donald Trump credit, there is no way I would have gotten a credit card to buy our way out of financial trouble. I would have to pay it back and if I didn't, I would have been taking a bus to bad credit city. You have to go back to basics. And if they want things bad enough then, as another poster suggested, they need a job.

    Anyway, welcome to the community and stay a while. This place will open your eyes.
  10. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: The Piggy-back method.....

    Hahahahahaha I just read this and am still LOL. Milk shot right outta my nose.

    -Peace, Dave
  11. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: The Piggy-back method.....

    he he he,

    I hope it was chocolate milk at least ;-)

  13. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: The Piggy-back method.....

  14. KG

    KG Active Member

    Re: The Piggy-back method.....

    Hi, board,
    Just to clarify, I was looking at some of my old post dating back to 4-12-01 and about that time I had probably been around a year and yes I do remember how lizardking put his foot knee deep in the CRA's butts. I just don't have that kind of time. I am a lover of this board too. I just don't have the time to visit much....see those are just my 3 sons, I also have five step girls and three more that come and go and my baby son and I have ......well,, if someone does ask, I'll tell you the rest.....oh yea, I didn't go by (and I am not) Bkev, Kevin, Kev but kev always with a small k..... At the time they already had one Kevin but he didn't seem to post that much......but I went with kev....
    Oh yea, and thanks again clc for your motherly understanding!

    Thanx 4 the advise thus far board, I'm going to need a lot more help building more credit and helping some of my other family members.

  15. KG

    KG Active Member

    Don't get mad!!!!!!!

    Now, I don't want to make anybody mad!!!!!!!!!!!But I want you to know why I get disappointed and excuse my spelling, when I was in high school I was on the honor roll and I was the only person in the 10th grade class and I believe in the school who made straight A+s in my college-bound vocabulary class. A private school. I went actually years without looking at a book because my mother didn't want to have much to do with me because I didn't finish college so so what about who ever doesn't like when I spell advise with an s or c......

    Correct me if I am wrong but isn't disputing simple lying......and isn't it 100% lying!!!! I have a friend who won't clean his credit because he can't get pass all the what, whether or not it is legal....isn't it still immoral? Don't get me wrong, I am going to do what it takes to get my credit cleaned up legally too, but I don't see the difference when it is all lying...Me personally, when the creditor says to me, "ss#" I can say, " this is the number my credit is under" and they can say "is that a tax id #" and I can say Yes or No. If I say yes then Experian can put it with Experian Business
    if they don't what to put it with Personal. (That was a Joke). I couldn't resist that.... Seriously I want more enhansments so I won't have to even lie at all...If the piggy-back method is used enough, I will get solicited.

    I NEED SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO Close a good account because they suffer from too much credit or too many open lines...I need them to find out from the creditor if they make someone else contractually-liable (not a second card holder) how soon can they come off the account....some of those banks tell you you have to close the account and some say they want to check the other persons credit (pull a report) before you come off...I will post this again until I learn more about this topic.

    Please no Haters or Name callers this time....becaues I will not answer back with that anyway.....

    When they see you have credit on that number they accume I mean assume thats your ___-__-____

    I want hard-core true and honest but clean opinion....
    I try not to forget, were all in this together!

    thanks again (alot)
  16. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    Re: Don't get mad!!!!!!!

    Hi kev,

    I used to think about this when I started my "journey" too. But then I realized after doing a few truthful disputes of "not mine" because they really weren't mine and the CRA's verified, I was like how can they verify something that is not true?? Aren't THEY lying?? So for my other "more accurate" accounts that I wanted to get rid of I disputed whatever really wasn't 100% accurate, dates, balances, status, anything that was less than 100% accurate. Some thigns were deleted simply becasue they couldn't be verified and then some other things again were verified even though they were inaccurate!! Needlesstosay, I was a bit annoyed! OK A LOT ANNOYED! After all of the runaround I got from the CRAs I gave up being Miss Nice Girl and pulled the big guns! LOL ANYWAY..blah blah blah.. my point is if you are uncomfortable with disputing "not mine" or "never late", then really thoroughly scan each entry for the slightest inaccuracy because it is your right to have a 100% accurate report by law. It might take you a bit longer this way, but hey if you feel better about it then fine.

    OK this went on too long but you get my point! LOL The CRA will lie and say they verified something and did not even contact the creditor... I don't feel immoral at all!!! LOL

    Good luck in whatever method you choose. I have to go back now and read your other question because I got off topic there for a sec...
  17. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Don't get mad!!!!!!!

    It is fully possible to clean your credit reports withouth lying. I removed 14 bad trades by speaking with the original creditors, telling the truth, and demanding that they tell the truth.

    When they couldn't be truthful about the trades, I demanded - and they readily agreed - to remove the trades.
  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Don't get mad!!!!!!!

    Ist paragraph - what ?? once more in english please.

    And you are so wrong on just about everything that I won't go into it anymore. I have responded to your posts over the last year or so and you continue to ignore good advice.
  19. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    When you stop and think about it, that's EXACTLY what the author of the $200 book has done!


  20. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: I will post the 800#

    LOL! :)


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