I sent a version of this letter to the Collection Agency. . After reading this for about the 15th time, and all the other samples as well, this sample is meant for the CRA. Right? I don't know, I read this board every night for about 2 hours, on the weekends probably about 2 or 4 hours, for several months now, and it seems the more I read the more confused I get. LOL «Your Name» «Address1» «Address2» «City», «State» «Zip» «Company» «Address1» «Address2» «City», «State» «Zip» «Date» RE: Account #_________/Original Creditorâ??s Name Dear Sir/Madame: This letter is a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate and incomplete credit information. I am distressed that you have included the information below in my credit profile and that you have failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100% accurate credit information. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. The following information therefore needs to be re-investigated. I respectfully request to be provided proof of this alleged item, specifically the contract, note or other instrument bearing my signature. Failing that, the item must be deleted from the report as soon as possible: Name of Creditor/Agency, Account #_________ The listed item is entirely inaccurate and incomplete, and as such represents a very serious error in your reporting. Please delete this misleading information and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last six months, or the last two years for employment purposes. Under federal law, you have thirty (30) days to complete your re-investigation. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within fifteen (15) days of the completion of your re-investigation. Sincerely, «Signature» «Your Name»
the letter looks ok to me.. how did you send it? (CRRR I hope...) did you sign the letter (I never sign) is this on an "unpaid" collections account?
Thanks for the quick reply. No, I faxed it. Our fax machine at work faxes a detailed report of what was faxed each day, including how many pages and date and time. no, did not sign it. This is an 'unpaid' medical collection for $243.00 The part where is reads failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operation to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish. Makes it sound like the CRA, they are the ones who publish.
That letter was written specifically for credit bureaus. Every single paragraph in this letter has reference to credit bureau or reporting or investigation etc. However, if you get a response and it works, fine. But, I wouldn't expect it. You may want to consider sending a proper letter. Where did you get this letter? If you got it from the letter section here, it says at the top it is for a dispute to the credit bureaus. Go back to the letter section and find a letter for validation.
LKH That's what I thought, after reading it again and again. I did find it in the sample letters under validation, yes you are correct, at the top of the page in red it states such. My stupid problem is, I keep cunfusing CB with CA. I forget that CRA is also a CB....... LOL and like I mentioned, after reading for countless hours, just when I think I have everything firgured out, I READ somemore and find out I was wrong. I am trying to work on 3 tradelines and I am trying to absorb to much info in too short of a time perhaps. Thanks for clarifying what I surmised this morning. I will send a â??realâ?? validation letter on Monday. However, I looked over and over in the sample letters and as far as a validation letter to a Collection Agency goes, I canâ??t find it. I have found the 30 and 60 day letters, but can't find the one to send first.
try this letter http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&pgnum=1&postid=85495#post85495 i think this is the one you are looking for!
Thanks LKH and uniondiva for replying. I really do appreciate it. Part of the letter states: Your failure to satisfy this request within the requirements of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act will be construed as your absolute waiver of any and all claims against me, Does the CA know the time requirements? Is it really 30 days, and if not, can I send the second letter in less time, like in 14 or 21 days. I am just upset with myself for having already wasted 3 weeks sending that other letter. Thanks again___ Sandie
I advise you to give the ca the full 30 days on the first letter at least, on subsequent letters, two weeks mayb be adequate. you want to make sure you give them enough time to respond in case you have to go to court at some later date.