Bill Bauer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by smogtek, Sep 26, 2002.

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  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Just to play Devils advocate, although I don't believe BB would do something like this to garner sympathy or money, what I do know is:

    If one is running a CRO (Credit Repair Organization) and are preparing to be investigated by the authorities, there's no better way to "get rid of the evidence" than to "have a fire" and then a "crew" comes in and "removes" everything else.

    Bill and Hilary come to mind.


    Just thinkin out loud.

    BTW - He and his family are OK. And the house wasn't a total loss. I DO know BB well enough to tell you he will be fine. :)

    He's a scrappy old fart, a fighter who never takes it lying down.

  2. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    ohnostuck may well have a point. I read the thread, and he stated that there would be no police report from the fire unless it caused a traffic problem. There would however be one if his house were cleaned out by thieves as has been posted.

    I know a few posters here also post on his site and do want or intend to start a flame war, I just believe that people do have a right to be skeptical.

    I also have to take issue with what he posted about this ruining his credit again. He seems to insinuate he will run up debt and use legal tactics to avoid paying it. Just my $.02

  3. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Moi?? I didn't start anything.. I'm just an innocent bystander.. =)
  4. Saar

    Saar Banned

    The man's a pathological liar and a relentless promoter of his self-serving ideas. Although I'm glad he's no longer here, a part of me still likes the old-ass geezer. You just can't hate someone with that much persistence.

  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    LOL!! Old ass geezer.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    He is like 70-80 GOING ON 120...

    Not like those 70+ "YOUNG AT HEART" ladies we all know...
  7. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Bill, since I know that you are reading this... Let me say this. YOU MAKE ME SICK. Do you think that anyone is dumb enough to believe that if someone stole EVERYTHING in your house that was not nailed down..oh and some that was, you would not call the cops? Not to mention the fact of homeowners insurance? You do not believe in that either? Give me a break. I called the fire department, they said there was NO FIRE. Are you telling me that they are lying too? Everyone is out to get poor old Bill right?

    BTW you are right; I have NO idea how to look up where someone is from. I really do not care either. That kind of stuff is small potatoes. It is not rocket science to figure you out... Your WHOLE story stinks, and it does not smell like smoke.
  8. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    I am still a newbie here and I don't know much about Bill Bauer. After reading this entire thread and the links to creditwrench, his whole story doesn't make sense. If someone wiped out everything in my home, why the hell would I NOT call the police to report it?? If someone came in to loot, wouldn't they try to get in and out as quickly as possible? I doubt they would waste time taking things such as bedding. I don't believe this story at all. He bashes this website terribly. If I had such a loss as he describes, I wouldn't be worried what is being said on this website as he obviously is.
  9. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Did someone play a sick joke on you or something? I think that they moved the ! key where the . key should be. You might want to fix that.
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    MY $0.02 C.O.D. isn't in the mail box yet...I was going to call the POST OFFICE to see if they can still do C.O.D.

    I know book clubs have a special "POSTAGE DUE UNIT"
  11. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Now now children. Let's leave the old geezer alone. There are much more notorious people to target on this board that are younger, greedier, and even more dishonest by decree.
  12. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    I do not wish to extend this inane topic beyond it's already overblown limits, however, I do wish to point out that "ageism" and sterotypical pejoratives about seniors are just as offensive to me,(and any other older and wiser creditneters) as racist or sexist remarks would be to anyone else.
  13. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I agree whychat, People can rip on the guy if they think he's dishonest, but, when you start age bashing, that's another story.
  14. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member


    Any solicitations for help of this matter can be posted and discussed in other forums.

  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  16. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    Dear smogtek,

    Although your gesture is kind and well-intended, it is inappropriate to use this board for the purpose of soliciting funds from our members. Please refrain from doing so in the future.

  17. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    Just an FYI, that is actually incorrect. Although the United States is perhaps the largest donator in terms of total dollars in foreign aid, we are in fact the LEAST generous rich nation on the planet. A W.H.O. report released earlier this year which ranked advanced countries according to foreign aid as a percentage of G.N.P. lists the U.S. dead last, well behind far poorer countries such as Portugal and Greece.

    It's a disgrace, but one we should be well aware of.

  18. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    [Editor's note: thread closed,]
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