Collectech was removed from TU today, my score is now....drumroll please.....a 697. When I get home from work tonight, I will be disputing 3 of my 6 inquiries (all in the last 2 months, 3 in the last week), and I am sure I will hit the 700 mark!! GT- I'm waiting for you on the other side!!! Don't let the door hit ya on your way in!
lw8- Oh I'm still suing...I'm just not in such a rush as before. They violated the FDCPA on MANY occasions, and they WILL pay!
Hey KHM, I am about to dispute Collectech (see thread on Bell Atlantic). What strategy did you use in getting Collectech to delete your tradeline? I know I have a battle on my hands with them from reading previous post, but since you were successful, any advice is GREATLY APPRECIATED. Also, did you sue them? If so, how did it go? UNLV34
I disputed collectech with the 3 CRA's and they came off all three the first time I disputed. Didn't have to bother with validating
UNLV- No I never ended up suing them, the attorney I had gotten ended up being a bigger twit than the reps at the CRA's. I actually was just looking at all my paperwork with them last night. The last letter I sent to them was an intent to sue. I had NUMEROUS violations on them. I called them a couple days after I dispputed with he first 2 CRA's and told them I was disputing with the CRA's and if they verified I would sue. of course the said they were gonna verify but they never did. After they got my intent to sue I , knock on wood, never heard from them again. I'm not positive but I believe I chose "not mine". They are easy to get violations on. Could I still sue? SHould I even bother?
Hey KHM, Thanks for the advice. Although my debt is still unpaid, I will have to pay it before I decide to get home service. Right now, my cell phone will do. I will dispute with all 3 as "not mine". If verified, then I will send the val letters. After reading the threads, they appear "an easy target" for violations, so I will send the appropriate follow-ups that is needed. Hopefully, they will be gone off all 3 by Xmas. Thanks again, you are "One of the best" ... UNLV34
Kellie, it seems to me that the fact that they deleted their tradeline would give you further ammunition in court. The deletion would seem to evidence their own lack of confidence in the truthfulness of their debt claim. Doc