HOLY SMOKES!!! Kbanger, congrats.... to you and the Mrs... Woo Hooo we all have a new addition to the creditnetter family.. I wish the best for you and your family. You are a good person with strong family values. Keep doing what you do by working hard and looking out for your family.
CONGRATS!!!!! Now you will have to add her as an AU on your accounts to get her started with her PERFECT CREDIT. LOL
Congrats Kbanger and Mrs Kbanger I am so excited and happy for you all. Nothing more exciting than a new baby they are very precious. Keep us posted on her progress. Sincerely, Andra
I know how you feel! LOL Congratulations to both of you! Welcome to the world Chloe! Beautiful name for a beautiful gift!
Congrats! And a word of advice from an experienced mom. Don't teach her how to talk! When she is a teenager, you will regret it!
KBanger and Mrs. KBanger- Wow!!!! Congrats to the two of you. Now sign off CN and go get you some sleep, you'll need it!!! Congrats again!
KB ...Congrats man!!!! Teach her they way of the credit world so that she may grow up and not follow in our footsteps.
Kbanger and MRS: What a wonderful event! What a nice message to read this morning; CHLOE is a great name GOOD JOB, DAD! aarrff - dogman
[color=35007] Kbanger, We all thank God for your little gift. Take advantage of these times when she is not so mobile. My youngest just started walking (and climbing) what a handful. Enjoy my friend, as they are truly Gods gift. Let the Credit Games Continue!! [/color]
Congrats I go tomorrow to hear the heartbeat of my first child-to-be. Good luck and best wishes from the Desdemona Family-to-be.
Congratulations to the two of you. It's about time! It just goes to show that women will arrive when they feel ready to and not a moment sooner. (at least this is the excuse my mom always gave for me being late everywhere). And Chloe is such a classically beautiful name. Gotta love it. Can you do hair yet? Braids/french braids and pig tails? Topnotches? Better start practicing! Your life is now forever changed. God Bless and Enjoy!