Okay, this is getting strange. As you know, I have been using Lexington Law Firm to help me with my credit problems. Thus far, they have been able to remove EVERY SINGLE NEGATIVE on my TU report (that's 9 negatives gone). Problem: Equifax and Experian are dragging their feet and seem to ignore our disputes (I am sure they will come around eventually, but it is taking forever). I have about the same number of negatives with them as well. So, my TU score is almost 700 not, while my Equifax and Experian scores are in the 570's. My wife and I would like to purchase a laptop computer, and a quad-runner. With my TU score, I would qualify for a loan. However, if a credit lender checked anyone but TU, I would get turned down. I would also like to obtain a store credit card (Targer, Sears, Dillards, Mervins....any one of these). I am afraid to apply with anyone because I want to know that they will ONLY PULL FROM TRANS UNION). I have checked http://www.millcbs.com/ , however it is not as helpful as you guys and gals are. Any suggestions ? Thanks.
I believe chase credit cards pull almost exclusively from TU... Sears will pull TU most of the time... you are pretty stuck until you get one more clean report.. B of A will pull TU sometimes and Experian somtimes Discover does the same. Citibank uses TU sometimes.. Its actually kind of a crap shoot depending on where you are and who the creditor is using at that time.. The only way to find out is to apply for some stuff and see what they pull in your area then at least you know what reports to clean up.. Try first premier bank... they have crappy fees and low limits but after six months I started getting prime cards and after a year I went from low 600s to low 700 credit scores.. Kev
Thanks guys. It really just kinda' sucks having one nice report and (2) crapy ones. What is Kohls anyway ? I dont think there is one here in Arizona : )