Okay - I am NOW absolutely FINISHED with applying for new cards! YES! This time it's for real. Why you ask? Well - because I applied for (sorry kbanger) and received the Advanta Platinum Business card - 0% on bts AND purchases for 12 months - 8.99% thereafter - 12.5K cl - which brings my total cl - with new Atlantic Coast Federal Visa - and including Generations hidden line - to 110K. I'M DONE! HONEST! The only other credit inquiries i'm going to have is for a car lease (Acura) which i'm getting over the weekend. I know that some of the high rollers here have over 200K in credit (Wolverine - damn you but I have to live with the sad fact that what i have is more than enough for someone in my income bracket. I've learned alot from this board - (how many times has that sentence been posted here?) - and - aside from that - and not less important - I've developed an internet friendship/closeness with many members here. This board is unique - aside from the credit info it provides - because of its warmth, humor, intellect, openess, diversity and general goodwill. Soooo - I ain't goin nowhere - I'm still here - but probably will be visiting the board a bit less than usual. If anyone wants to get in touch with me - feel free to e-mail me at: markfab2002@yahoo.com (And - once again - congrats to kbanger on his new princess.) Yours, Mark LA
You are NEVER really done... You can go on a VACATION from credit cards... I STILL WANT THAT CARD~~~PRIME + 0.00% FIXED (PURCHASES AND BT) $0.00 FEES WITH A LIMIT OF $50,000 MIN.
Atlantic Coast Federal Visa????? What the heck is that? BTW, I still haven't applied for any new cc's but I did just get a new $150,000 heloc from eloan @ 4.5%. Three years ago I was happy to get a 10% mortgage, times sure do change.
congrats on the heloc wolvie atlantic coast federal (a credit union - without any membership restrictions on credit cards) got a good write up in cardoffers.com. Their deal is a Visa Platinum - as low as 9% apr on purchases AND cash advances, avg daily balance, 25 day grace period. The only drawback - their cards go up to a max of 15k. I got the max amount from them with their lowest apr - still havent received the card yet. Check em out at: www.acfederal.com
What do you do for living that gets you that kind of credit line? My net income for the last 4 years was about 96K per annum and I only have about $29k in CL.
Mark, I don't hate you. Now to the real business of this posting, though: Why in the world would you envy someone with a license to borrow TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS which they couldn't possibly pay off -- not even the minimums without severe discomfort and possibly insolvency -- if they did choose to use the credit lines? Isn't $100k+ in potentially borrowed money too much? Psych "Food for Thought" Doc
techie I make about the same amount you do. My business partner and I run a small publishing company. I got some of the higher lines in different ways. The highest line right now is Amex Blue - 17.5K I started out with them a year and a half ago with 3.7K. I believe the reason why my credit line kept on getting raised was because I used the card alot - and paid it down quickly. Once - I asked for a cl increase - the other time they offered it to me if I bt'd. The same goes for Bank of America - I have two of their cards for a total cl of 17.9K - they offered 4.75% cash advance checks. I used them for fairly high amounts - but paid them off in a couple of months. Citibank also raised my line after 5 months - and I truly think it's because I put a big balance on it - and paid it off quickly - over two, three months. After that - when the Bank of America cards and Amex card reported the higher credit lines - some of the new cards I applied for seemed to want to match or surpass the credit lines I already had. Fusa approved 12K, Advanta 12.5K and Atlantic Coast Federal 15K. Whenever I applied - I made sure that my credit utilization was low - under 20%. I also only applied for cards which i knew checked cras where i had the least inquiries. In other words - if i already had two or three recent inquiries on Experian - I applied for a card that I knew checked Equifax - and so on. Also - I've always listed my COMBINED annual household income - including that of my significant other - which brings the combined income level up to 160K. Hope you find the info useful. Yours, Mark LA
Mark, I hope you keep your word and thanks for the kind words. We are all doing great. I have a 92 Acura with 380K miles and still going strong.
Doc - you're right (however I think Wolvie could probably pay it off). One of the reasons why I wanted to get to 100K - is to be able to actually borrow much less - no more than 20K - which i could pay off over a reasonable amount of time - but in this way to keep my utilization low - in other words to always show under 24% utilization. I would never actually use the 100K (really, I swear Aside from that - okay - I admit - it also could be the (vulgarity coming - beware) "my dick is bigger" syndrome - which - of course - is terribly childish.
Doc is right of course. There is no reason in the world to have hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit. I just couldn't resist the temptation once I started getting approved. I spent the better part of my twenties suffering through student loan hell so I couldn't get anything but a crap one card with a $200 limit. Then into my early thirties I had great income, but no good credit. Now I'm still overcompensating for the years of rejection. I just wanted to get one card from every major issuer, chase, bofa, citi, amex, fleet, etc... Now that I have them all, I'm thinking about thinning out the herd a little. I lie awake at night afraid that I might miss a payment and get a thirty day late for an annual fee or something that I forgot about.
I don't.....;-) I have followed your posts, and I am actually amazed at your success with your credit journey. PLEASE make sure you treat it right, because that is alot of potential trouble to get into. ;-) I really wish you luck, and please try to stop by the board more, because you have helped ALOT of people with your posts, myself included. P.S. Are you realllllllyyyyyyy sure this is your last time? LOL........
LOL I'm honestly going to take a long break form APLLYING - that doesn't mean I'm not going to continue trying to up my existing limits - without credit inquires by the way Manneg - i love your tag line - about mischievous credit
I'm 25 with zero cards. But, at least I got rid of my old derogs (still have about 7 hard inqs on each report). Maybe somebody besides Centennial Bank will come knocking soon.