I got a reject letter today from Citibank, there was only one reason listed for the rejection. - A delinquent credit obligation(s), either paid or unpaid was recorded on your credit bureau report. Well guess what fell off my EQ report on Oct 1!!!! This account was in dispute when I applied. I have a spotless EQ report now, so I faxed them a copy and hope that they will reconsider. I spoke with a CSR the app status dept. and he said that he could not guarantee acceptance, but that is a significant change and he would say my chances are pretty good. (Translated: I don't know nuttin, I just read the computer screen and that's all they let me do.)
fingers crossed for ya!! Same thing happened to me in May/June....faxed them updated report and was approved! Good luck...( I think you're in!)
Citi AA....was denied, faxed updated report....then did a delayed BDD...applied for another Citi AA...wasn't instant approval...but by the beginning of June was approved for both (the fax one took longer)...then I combined to Citi Platinum Select....each of the AA cards were $3500...so combined and got $7000 HTH
I was trying to do a BDD and got further processing message on both. One letter came back stating that they only allow you to apply once in a 60-day period. I thought that was weird because of all the people here at CN and the BDD.
Call them and say it's been awhile since you applied and your checking the status...I honestly don't remember but that letter sounds familiar....I may have gotten it...
My only concern is that I got this letter on the Citi AA Plat. I doubt that I would qualify for the plat card, but this is the only reason for decline.
Have equifax to send them a copy of an updated report. You have that right since information was changed, and that was the principal reason you were denied.
azur24 the CSR told me to just fax them a copy of my updated report, so I did. I left off the pages with INQs I have a couple of pages and I didn't know what they would think if half my file was just INQ LOL Austin Guy thanks that is a great suggestion, I will wait and see what kind of responce I get then give PFB shot a try.
I just got turned down tonight from citibank. They liked my report but said all revolving accounts must be over 1 year old or the application is rejected. booo. On another hand, I applied at carter lumber for their card(online) and they pulled equifax. Since home depot and lowes declined me I gave it a try. they approve me for $1500 instantly.
I waited a week and called in tonight. Talked to the lady for about 15 minutes but they will not budge. They said my decline letter is in the mail.
Well I called today to check again on the status. They CSR said that they would not reconsider with the EQ copy for CE that I printed and faxed. I asked if I should have EQ send a new one to them, she said no I could just get EQ to send me a new one and fax that over. Well I would just to like to say duh like I couldn't "doctor" an hard copy from EQ!!! Anyway I called EQ and ordered a hard copy, no matter how dumb I think it is. Maybe CITI is trying to see if I will jump through some hoops to get their card, well I guess I am jumpin, I aint got nuttin better to do.
Recross your fingers for Citi Okay I got my hard copy EQ and faxed it off. I included the cover letter stating the COL account has been deleted. I hope they are going to be cool to me! At this point I think someone would have to look at my CR and it looks pretty good. I don't even care if they give me a low CL I can always get them to raise it in time. I just want a card that is not considered a joke by the other lenders. So cross your fingers for me!
Recross your fingers for Citi Okay I got my hard copy EQ and faxed it off. I included the cover letter stating the COL account has been deleted. I hope they are going to be cool to me! At this point I think someone would have to look at my CR and it looks pretty good. I don't even care if they give me a low CL I can always get them to raise it in time. I just want a card that is not considered a joke by the other lenders. So cross your fingers for me!
Re: Recross your fingers for Citi Good Luck. I just got my Citi Illumina in the mail today. Man, it's the prettiest CC I have now. Hope you get yours!