creditexpert subscription for 7.99

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cibomatto, Oct 3, 2002.

  1. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    OK I was messing around with various links and I stumbled to a page that list the subscription proce for 7.99

    here is what the top of the CE page says...

    Yes, I would like to enroll now in Credit Manager! After my 30 day free trial, I can continue to enjoy the benefits of my membership and $7.99 will be billed to my credit card, renewed monthly at the current billable rate. I understand by completing this registration page, that my membership and 30-day trial will begin immediately. If for any reason I am not satisfied, I can discontinue my membership at any time.

    Is this a mistake?? should I go for it??

    I typed the following

    then followed links to the order page in which 7.99 appeared.. I tried this on two different computers and it worked...

    someone try this and tell me if you get the same price
  2. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    OK.. so I tried this on a 3rd computer... and I get the 79.95 price.. but.. I did it once more and it reverted back to 7.99...

  3. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    its 7.99 a month..

    those tricky bastards...

    "renewed monthly at the current billable rate"

  4. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member


    I should of read closer...

    I got way too excited....
  5. reddevil

    reddevil Well-Known Member

    I think that's $7.99 per MONTH ($95.88/yr), vs $79.95 per YEAR, so the latter is better unless you only intend to do this for a little while.
  6. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    sorry everyone for the false alarm....

    I guess its good if you only intend on staying a few months
  7. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    I went to the page and clicked on the bottom banner- it took me to the $79.99 page. When I tried again, and clicked on the TOP took to to the $7.99/month offer. Just thought I'd share in case anyone was trying to find the month to month membership.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I SAW THIS A WHILE is a POOR deal...unless you want to just do it for one month then skip a few months...
  9. skwirl

    skwirl Well-Known Member

    I wonder if you can sign up, get the free month and the month you pay for....drop it for a couple months; do it again. this way you only pay about $24 for the year and only miss a few months of service.
  10. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    You only get one free month.... after that it's month to month.

    they know you already subscribed and cancelled.

    but if it works let us know!
  11. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    umm.... I have cancelled before the 30 day free trial is up twice and now getting free trial again. I just register again with different username and password. Someone else here said they did it so I tried it and so far no problem.
  12. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    Well, hell, I take back what I said then.....

    I already signed up for the 79 plan but I'm thinking about what you said.......
  13. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Its no problem until you need to call the customer service number they have it all right there in front of them.
    I was doing that for DH, I wasn't as concerned about his EXP score so I was signing up for one day then a few months later doing it again....oh boy did they give him the thrid degree.....

    Be careful!

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