Has anyone purchased a kia before? If so is it a good car and would you but one again? My mom is thinking about buying their new kia sorento their new suv model....Anyone with info on kia car please let me know..Thanks
check out this board... http://townhall-talk.edmunds.com/WebX?14@180.ueFvbcEftyc.0@.ef0de33.ef09400!Z=
I got a 2002 sportage. I have to take it repairs once already. Just hit 2000 miles. Door open dinger wouldnt stop dinging and the car alarm would go off whenever it felt like it like There was a short in the inside light that was causing the problem and it took all of 15 to fix. Other than that I love my Sportage. I was able to get financed with a 575 beacon score from Equifax
had a 99 kia sephia- never, ever would I buy one again. Piece of crap, if I may be so blunt. We had many problems and 2 recalls. oopsydaisy
OHMYGOD!!!!! that was so funny.. I laughed so hard.. LOL I didn't want to say this off the bat but honestly.. Kia's are HORRIBLE!!! I wouldn't do it.. stay away from Korean cars. My sister has a 2001 Kia Sephia and she is ready to drive it off a cliff..
Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT buy a Kia. I am a Wholesale Dealer and they have to be the worst new car being sold today.
My hubby is a wholsaler also, I went w/him to an auction last week, would you like to know what the high bid was on a '00 Sephia fully loaded(I swear this is the truth, but you will probably not believe it) $900.00.!!! From what I understand, the only thing going for kia's is the warranties, 10 years, 100,00 miles. But once you buy it you are upside down in it. You will never be able to get out if it unless you want to take a SERIOUS loss on it.
Well guys and gals, professionally speaking (ASE Certified Master Auto Technician and CA Enhanced Area Smog Check Technician) I would not even work on a Kia, let alone buy one! Also on the list: Hyundai Mitsubishi Daewoo These are the "Bic Lighters" of cars. They rank right up there with the Geo Metro. Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong! smogtek
I bought a Kia a year ago -- the car isn't bad so far, but the dealership SUCKED!!!!! Also, my insurance went up -- go figure, I went from a more expensive car (worth more 3 years old than the Kia brand new) and I thought the insurance would be cheaper. Also, I hear that Daewoo (Kia's parent company) is going BK. What does that do to the 10 year warranty? If I had it to do over, I would have gotten something else.
A close friend of mine has a small car rental business and he purchased 7 Kia Sephias 1998 and they virtually fell apart. The speedometer stopped working on some cars, the cylinder lock on one door would not unlock the car from the outside, the dashboard top started to peel back, the tranny went out on one of them. The wiper blades would not work on one car. The paint faded on all the cars within 3 years. He told me these are the worst cars he has ever owned. The customers that rented these cars always complained about the Kia Sephias. Another thing to consider is the resale value on Kia's are very low. You practically have to sell them for very little. Stick to a Toyota. I have a 1983 Toyota Celica with 180K miles and it runs like a champ and has never left me stranded. Oh yeah, and my paint on the 1983 Celica still shines.
This is sort of ironic -- I was wishing that I had seen this board before I bought a Kia, but buying a Kia was what led me here in the first place because it was the Kia dealership that screwed up my credit.
Flick your Bic! P.S. I've also heard that certain companies absolutely WILL NOT finance a Kia or Hyundai.
That's true!!! I recently received a pre-approved letter from Capital One Finance. In the small print it said it could not be used for Kia, Daewoo or a 1998 or before Hyundai. I think there was one other type of vehicle on there, but I don't remember off hand. So, what is wrong with Mitsubishi? I didn't know they were considered poor as well.
I was lucky. I needed a new car. I went for a Kia Sephia. They processed my app and the next day asked me if I would consider a Suzuki Esteem. I could get a rebate on that one, it would be cheaper in the long run and I would be approved for the loan. I bought it. 2 years, no problems.
oh how could I forget Deawoo (sp) LOL... I had a Hyundia Sonota 94 and it was HELL on earth..I had horrible credit when I bought it. 9000 with 29% I was paying over.. uhmm 360 a months for the car.. thank God I had an accident that totaled it. I am driving a Mitsubishi Galant now (94) and its on its last leg..I had a good run with it although I spents tons of money on repairs..
If you're looking for a good car that's still inexpensive, try looking at some Saturn's. I found my fiance's car there, a 1999 Saturn SL-1 with 33,000 miles, 5 speed manual, and not many power options (including no power steering) for $7,000. They are also a Consumer Report's Best Buy. Also, the dealer helped her get financing with a local credit union for only 8.25% (with troubled credit). If you're looking for new, they start around $12,000 (I think). I bought a 2003 Toyota Corolla S and just loving life! 12,000 miles later and still nothing wrong but changing the oil on time.