quote of the day! lol

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by edoggie, Oct 4, 2002.

  1. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    "you don't have to hire a lawyer
    to defend yourself in court. Anybody can defend themselves. Ted Bundy did.
    He got the electric chair, but he did defend himself!"
  2. timmyq

    timmyq Well-Known Member

    Ted bundy was a lawyer.
  3. cable666

    cable666 Well-Known Member

    I can't believe even Ted Bundy would stoop that low ;-)
  4. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Ted Bundy was a law school drop out.
  5. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    That explains why he got "electrified" I guess,lol. Just shows you that it pays to stick it out and stay in school. Maybe his partial education screwed him over because he knew some aspects of the law, but forgot to consider others. Does anyone have any information or links to a website that discusses the case? I would be interested to learn more about it. Thanks.

  6. Derfel

    Derfel Member

    Or maybe he was just blatantly guilty.
  7. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Anytime I hear the name "Ted Bundy" I just have to tell this story. Since everyone I know in real life has already heard it, now I have a new audience, so here goes ---- Anna's Ted Bundy story ----
    When my daughter was 17 years old, she locked her keys in her car at different locations FOUR DAYS IN A ROW. It may have been a cry for help, I just don't know. Upon arriving at her car on day 4, I WAS LIVID. I'm screaming at her and she tells me that so-and-so, a boy that she was forbidden to have anything to do with, offered to bring her home to get her keys and take her back to her car, but she knew that if she accepted her offer, we would be mad. I told her that if she did it again the next day that I didn't care if she got a ride home with Ted Bundy. She looked at me with a very confused look on her face, and said "The guy from Married With Children??????" DUUUHH! I just LMAO!
  8. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    Bundy did not represent himself at either trial. I knew the attorneys from the first case - went to school with them. He was represented by attorneys in the second case also. I also knew the prosecutors.

    I lived in the apartment building next to where he lived for a while. I went to FSU so I am very familiar with the whole thing.

    If you want to learn more about the case, get the movie with Mark Harmon. Also, there are a couple books out.

    What was interesting was that when he finally ran out of appeals, it was an election year. The Governor was running for the Senate. He wanted to squeeze all the mileage out of the execution he could. The debate was whether to execute him in the spring, which would give the Gov an early boost in the polls, or to wait just before the general election for a last minute boost.

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